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Posts posted by agesilaus

  1. Storms that disturb the fish out in the middle of the Atlantic do not concern me. Minimal tropical storms that go ashore in June in Texas or Mexico do not bother me either. That's just weather.

    Major storms, Cat 3 and up, that come ashore in the US do concern me. And I saw one set of numbers that showed between 1910 and 1970 there were 14 or 15 and from 1970 to today there have been 3. This is the number that counts. Notice Dorian did not come ashore in the US and will not as a major storm. The 1940's was a very active period and the 1960's was active but as much as the 40's.

    Bottom drops out

    New paper

    No more than the past

    What you need to know

    Fewer hurricanes in the last 600 years


    I could post 20 or 50 more links if you link. That site above is 100% data driven.

  2. I don't get my information here, I get it from NOAA and as interpreted by the Tropical Tidbits vblog. I've been thru many hurricanes, tropical storms and depressions over almost 60 years and I am well aware of the wide spread footprints of these storms. Just how many have you personally lived thru?

    Like most long time residents I have adopted a no panic but watchful attitude.

    Also let me point out that Florida is vastly better prepared for storms than the northeast because of geology (most of us live on a bed of hundreds of feet deep porous sand), experience (we frequently get storms that have 60 mph winds and can dump 4 inches of rain on us all year long) and infrastructure (our cities are built to absorb sudden storms with lots of wind and rain). We also keep our politicians on their toes by loudly complaining about any problems that crop up.

    The only flooding we see down here is for people live near some rivers or on the coast where they are affected by storm surge.


    The northeast is a whole different situation, I won't comment on their corrupt governments other than pointing out that Sandy was either a weak Cat 1 storm or a tropical storm when it hit. And NYC could have avoided the major subway flooding that they had by building some sand bag dikes around the entrances to the subways. They were warned and did nothing.


    We call a weak Cat 1 or tropical storm down here: A Rain Event not a multi-billion dollar disaster.

  3. LOL it is moving NW at 1 mph some people are just determined to have it over Florida...heh. Sitting in one spot means it is running out of warm water. Latest intensity seen by the Storm Hunters was 105 mph. It is expected to weaken slowly from now on.

    I do know that these storms can do erratic things, I've been watching them since 1960 when we saw our first one down in south Florida. And we watched Donna go by. But they were so erratic back them because the weather guessers did not understand them and did not have the powerful tools that they now have. So their guessing is vastly improved. They were also much more common back then then they now are. We are in a minimal Hurricane period of history.

  4. Stationary at 1800/6PM with the eye off W Palm. Look at the Miami radar and you can see the eye clearly. We are near Gainesville and if we have a problem here the weather guessers would be dead wrong. Not that that hasn't happened before...

    But the main point is that it has stopped moving west and that means that the guiding high off georgia has been weakened and pushed out the sea as expected. The front moving down from Tennessee is supposed to take over and push it northwest turning northeast off the Carolinas.

  5. It's turned northwest as expected right now but still moving dead slow. Of course that doesn't mean it will keep going that way but it is a good sign for Florida. Mainly because the weather guessers got it right. None of the models show a landfall in Florida, the storm will hold 50 miles off the coast more or less. For the last 18 hours or so the forecasts have shown it making landfall at Cape Hateras on Thursday, going back to sea and hitting Newfoundland.

  6. Except there are reports everyday of people being hassled because of what is in their phones, what their friends post, etc.  Reporters returning from overseas assignments being interrogated, etc.  Foreign students being sent back because of what their friends post.  So maybe there are more kernels of truth than you want to acknowledge


    Sure they search electronics, and they take a hard line protecting this country. The people complaining about that case would be the first to scream if someone that Customs allowed thru committed  some horrific crime. Shot up an Antifa meeting for example. The law enforcement people are all that stands between us and another 9-11. That was after the justice department of that time allowed that to happen.

    So I say to them keep up the good work, stopping a mass murder terrorist attack in NYC this weekend for example. And many other examples like that.

    And BTW, don't want your stuff searched? Leave it out of the country or just stay where you came from. There is no right for non citizens to enter the US.



  7. We've been stopped two or three times down south over the years. At one of those mobile check points. Never amounted to more than a couple of questions, usually where were you born and then waved thru. The same the couple of times we crossed into Nogales. Think they are checking for a US accent and for nervousness.

    Coming back into the US from Banff they did look in the fiver, told us to stay in the truck. Took 10 minutes maybe and do obvious evidence of the search in the camper. The other time we came thru it was just the usual quick questions and a wave thru.

  8. OK you obviously know more about this than I do. But I'm still not pulling my RV across or my truck. I'll cross to one of the border towns, Nogales or whatever, on foot if we get down that way. For a few hours. We have in the past. But with the current situation I would not cross into Ciudad Juarez for example. Northern Mexico is a good example of a failed country, lawless and corrupt.

  9. 6 hours ago, FL-JOE said:

    It has always amazed me that there seems to be more issues with people crossing back and forth into Canada, or at least negative experiences, than crossing our southern borders.  Glad it was a good crossing for you guys.

    IMO you have to be semi-insane to drive an RV into Mexico and I think that opinion is widely shared. Thus few go across that border and if they do, it's a day trip with the vehicles and RV's left in the US. So since few cross there are few complaints. If I did cross I would expect a justifiably intense search.

  10. 7 hours ago, RV_ said:

    What version of Windows are you running? MSE does not exist in Windows 10. Now it is Windows Defender. Free and all you need.

    Switched, more or less unwillingly to ten this year. So I guess I'll try Defender. Win10 has been OK but no big apparent improvement over 7. Under the hood it may be an improvement.

  11. I was using Kaspersky last year after dropping Norton as a disk and resource hog years ago. Kasperspy jumped their price up, the US government has banned it from any federal computers as a security hazard. Kaspersky is accused of being in bed with the Russian government and is widely thought to have backdoors installed.

    So I swapped to Webroot which has been invisible since installation. I think I'll try the MSE package next year.  I did see reports of some European governments following the US example and banning Kaspersky and some others about there being embedded hacking tools in the software. I'm not a security software expert so I can't make any judgement myself. But where there is so much arm waving going on I figure it just as easy to use something else.

  12. The Champion gens have a small wire underneath the gen, think it might be red, with a connector in the middle. You can pull the connector apart and that disables the oil sensor. Don't know if yours has something like that but you may want to look. IIRC the Champion tech support guy said the wire can be different colors in various models.

    Anyway on mine you disconnect the sensor, start the gen, let it run for 10 mins and reconnect the sensor. It then started normally.

    Did you call your gen tech support. Champion is excellent, with support people in CA and somewhere up in the NE.


  13. BTW,  it is much easier and faster to simply cut the plastic case/handles instead of taking the time to cut a cable, chain,or padlock. The  only portable gensets with an exposed steel framework are construction gensets,


    Actually Champion inverter gens, at least the one I have, comes with a steel tube frame.

  14. Let me comment on the security issue:

    First in 25 years we have never had anything stolen from our campsite.

    That said I did get a medium heavy length of chain. Maybe 3/8 or 5/16 inch links. Not logging chain. And used that to attach the generator to the camper. Don't use a flimsy lock or you will undo the use of the chain. We carry the generator on an open rear platform and I worry more about someone swiping the generator in a parking lot somewhere. I run the chain thru the gen, a tool box and the 5 gal gas can on the platform.


    Don't use a cable since a small cheap bolt cutter will defeat that PDQ.

  15. OL I don't know but I've seen photos showing the shoreline absolutely packed with photographers. There must have been 20 or 25 cameras on tripods and more being handheld. I assume these are early morning shots but it could be sunset. I considered visiting but that shot cooled off my interest.

    Yeah we've all duplicated famous shots but this is way over the limit for me.

    It seems to me that there is a campground some where near this site.

  16. No doubt that the old...meaning two changes ago site, was much better. I also find the Recreation.gov the worst of the two. The map is awful. I understand part of the problem was that the company that had these sites for years was not required to hand over their database when it changed hands. And it didn't. But the current company should have done some beta tests before putting the new site up.

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