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Posts posted by agesilaus

  1. Don't push the weight up to 3100 pounds, I would not go over 2400 or 2500.  You have extremely limited options. A teardrop, maybe an A-frame and maybe a popup. I hardly think one of those would be worth leaving at a park, they are not designed for long term exposure if nothing else. They are weekender starting models. Leaving them erected and exposed to month after month of weather would reduce them to junk status.

    The idea of getting someone to tow it there makes by far the most sense.

  2. The ATT TOGO plan is no longer limited to Airstreams, anyone can get it and I plan to do so. TOGO.

    Costs $360 for the sat dome antennas and $360/yr for the service. $30/mo is a good price from what I've seen. As for it being throttled, I understand that is only if the tower is overloaded, and aren't all these plans throttled the same way. I've seen reports from people saying that they have never been throttled in rural areas.

    We are getting visible for my wife's Verizon phone just to have two options.


  3. The heater burns a lot of propane so you'll be changing tanks frequently. The furnace blower uses a lot of 12V too. However people do bring electric heaters in, if you have electric power. Some of those quartz heaters seem to be popular one brand in particular but I don't recall the name only that is was very pricey.

    Also put insulated skirting around the unit. I've seen people use foam board which would be cheap and effective but would have to be fastened down to keep it from blowing away. And some put heaters under the unit, that's probably in seriously cold climates.


  4. They used to send you a temp AARV card that worked at campgrounds for their discount...heh. I think they stopped doing that. I have no interest in them otherwise, it's just another insurance company. And they supported Obama Care even tho it is hostile to their members.

  5. I carry a Dewalt saber saw, two battery powered drills, one of those is to operate the jacks, and a angle grinder in case I have to cut some metal. Plus a couple of compartmented boxes of construction screws, machine screws etc. All of those mainly for on the road maintenance. I also have an electric tool canvas bag with multimeter and lineman pliers, crimpers ect. I have a new parts box that I'm just putting together of crimp on connectors, fuses and relays

  6. I just spent an hour or so on Amazon looking at hose reviews. Not one of the brands has great reviews with few 1 of 5's. I finally settled on a 25ft Flexilla. That RV hose store had a notice saying they are not making hoses. Don't know if that is temp or what. I wish I saw the comment about Tractor supply I would have checked that out since I'm getting a propane tank filled there tomorrow.


    If hose reviews aren't good looking at sewer hose reviews is positively depressing. I bought a Rhinoflex at Wally World this summer and when I used it a few days latter it leaked like someone had fired a load of bird shot at it. Of course the store was far down the road and I didn't save the receipt.

    I bought a Thetford online today.

  7. I have an 2016 Arctic Fox which we got around the turn of the year. So I don't have any experience with the 'old version'. But I'll say that while ours has some irritating and stupid items, electrical box installed in the wheel well and not waterproofed for example. On the whole it is much better built than any other RV we have ever owned.

    Most of the problems are just stupid and careless assembly issues. Water lines improperly installed for example, not major structural issues.

  8. I can mention another reason to move to FL, altho I would much prefer that you did not. Especially blue staters. Tho fulltime RVer might not be as bad.

    My wife renewed her car and our RV tags yesterday. Total cost for both: $75. I've heard you'd have to add a zero to the end of that in CA if not a one on front and a zero at the end.

  9. They aren't doing this randomly, VISA apparently has increased the fee that retailers pay to use the VISA CC. Above what Mastercard charges. So the stores are just refusing to pay it and if enough stores do the same Visa will have to back down.

    I say good for them. It is the essence of capitalism to refuse to buy something when the price is too high.

  10. I still use SA for general navigation, the roads have not changed that much. But there are some alternatives:

    RV Plan'N-gets down to the backroad level showing Forest Roads in detail. It also show RV parks in detail. I find it is a pain in the butt to use for planing tho. It has a hostile Interface. And while it claims to have a navigation mode, it is worthless since it opens a tiny window that can not be expanded for navigation. Plus this is now dead software but you can still buy it on Amazon.

    RV Trip Wizard is a subscription service and works rather well for planning trip once you adjust to it's many quirks. The Interface is not highly developed but you can use it. You can put the height and length of your rig into it and it will route to avoid problems. I have not tried it for navigation but it supposedly does that by using a phone app. You can send the maps to google maps somehow. The developer is taking suggestions and it improving the interface so it may get better. There is an active forum on iRV2.

    So I looked and didn't find anything much. CoPilot is now a phone app only and I didn't like what I saw. These developers would do everyone a favor by sticking to the defined Windows GUI which SA and S&T both did.

  11. We have two dogs, the Aussie loves everyone without reservations, I just have to warn people that he will jump on them and give them a licking. Our other dog is 180% different, a Border Collie, does not like strangers and shys away from them. I worry if someone persistently tried to pet him he might bite. When I'm with him he mostly ignores others and I can walk right by them. When my wife has him alone he becomes more aggressive, barking at people who get near.

    I've had this happen before with our previous dogs, especially a boneheaded Dalmatian who would put on such a display that no one ever thought about getting near. He also formed strong dislikes and terrorized one of my wife's cousins to the point she would not get out of her car. I didn't much care for her and he may have picked up on it tho I was never rude or hostile to her.

    But when I was with them, no problem he would even accept petting from strangers.

    My wife just can not establish her place in the dog dominance hierarchy.  They regard me as the boss dog and her as someone who must be protected.



  12. I have too many tools right now, most in my truck bed. I intend to sizzle it down to a complete socket set for the three sizes and SAE/Metric. I'm thinking about leaving the 3/8 stuff behind. I also have a 15 combo wrench set for both types. Plus some outsized wrenches for the hitch and ball. Also a tool box with misc screw drivers, pliers ect.

    Then there is a box with truck stuff. We offroad a lot so I have getting stuck stuff, like ramps for sand, a high lift jack, bottle jacks ect.

    Then some power tools, mainly battery powered drills, a small jigsaw. A canvas bag with electrical tools-crimper, stripper, DMM, various pliers ect.

    I consider myself handy thus the overload...heh.

    If I carried a gun I would not announce it. I have a CWL tho.


  13. Honestly we downsized from a 35 ft fifth wheel to a 30 ft TT this year. We spent 8 weeks on the road this summer in that TT and never felt confined. I do know that feeling tho when we had a Trailmanor TT and before that a popup. But we had a pack of kids with us who are on their own now. We just don't hang around inside the camper that much. We take a rest day now and then, to get the laundry done and catch up on maintenance. Or just lollygag around. But we have lots of room outside the camper. But most of the time we are out and about exploring.

    YMMV of course and I guess some folks have a lower tolerance than we do.

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