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Everything posted by justRich

  1. Melting ice has not caused an actual "rise" in water levels - but ice that melts over land will do that - and sea level may well change with that event. Fresh water sinks - as it is added to the ocean it was theorized (many years ago) that it would slow the gulf stream - which brings warm currents and air to the US east coast and Britain. It's only theory - until it's tested and proved otherwise.
  2. Looking forward, the collapse of the Gulf Stream ocean current is expected to cause freezing in the Northeast and western Europe. The climate will probably whipsaw.
  3. "Desert-if-ication" is what I think is happening. According to one of my long departed university professors (pre-global warming) the earth has been heating up for ages. The desert areas have been moving north and south from the equator for decades. Deserts temps are typically marked by higher-high temps and lower-low temps. The average may remain the same. Currently, it seems that both the highs and lows are becoming consistently higher. And droughts are becoming more common world wide. "Desertification" is too much of a mouth-full for the news media. And so it will not become a media star. The consequences are serious beyond belief.
  4. Thanks for the reminder about head walking into the slideout. We've been grounded mostly because of health issues but I loaded the camper onto the truck yesterday and took it for a short test drive spin. I had remembered everything except to put air in the air bags and adjust the shocks to a higher setting. The ride was really cush till then.
  5. It sound a little like "Time Enough for Love" by Robert Heinlein The book covers several periods from the life of Lazarus Long (born Woodrow Wilson Smith), an early beneficiary of a breeding experiment designed to increase mankind's natural lifespan, known as the Howard Families, after the program's initiator. The result of more a mutation than the breeding experiment, he is the oldest living human, at more than two thousand years old.
  6. "Educated" by Tara Westover - a worthy read quite unlike anything that I've read to date. It's a remarkable true story of a very different life lived. Currently reading: The Spider Network: The Wild Story of a Math Genius, a Gang of Backstabbing Bankers, and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History Book by David Enrich
  7. Yes. I have several PDF manuals that I've transferred to my Paperwhite. It's pretty nifty to have important manuals at hand without resorting to the internet. Also, I often use Cutepdf writer to print anything to a pdf file.
  8. Wall Street Journal published a report today that may be of interest: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-much-are-prices-up-heres-one-familys-day-to-day-expenses-11625841223?st=31eei4xokm46u1l&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
  9. We haven't been impacted in any meaningful way with inflation just yet. BUT, I was looking at prices of new Jeep Wranglers last month and a top, or near top of the line Wrangler was listing at around $50,000. ($40,000 would also get a pretty nice unit too) Yesterday, while again looking at online prices, they were listing at around $60,000. Is that just because it's a "Jeep" or are others also finding astonishing price increases in other areas?
  10. Inflation may soon make the original post a moot question - or answered with a simple "No".
  11. Wealthy out-of-staters will own those parks. First come, first serve systems often eliminates many long term planners. Wanna' drive a 40' rig with toad on the off chance you might get a spot? Probably not so much. (Of course with enough money, one would reserve a backup site and not care.)
  12. Underweight, possibly. I scaled at the state scale at Farewell Bend and came up 50 lbs below GVWR. The camper is new and it the first time I've weighed this rig - previous campers have always been a few hundred pounds over GVWR.
  13. Oregon truck scales - mostly closed on weekends - are still active and open to all. I've used the one at the Farewell Bend State Park many times.
  14. Best book of 2021 for me so far is "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles It is one of those books that one wants it to keep going, to not end.
  15. 91 gallons of fresh water would last us about 2 weeks. We never wash dishes the traditional way in a sink - instead use paper plates mostly and use them for kindling.
  16. We're making our annual northbound trip in a few days and leaving our small home in Phoenix. In years past, we've emptied the fridge, saran-wrapped the toilets, sealed the drain traps and turned off the air before departure. About the only damage were some melted candles one year. But is this an okay process? Does anyone else leave a home behind in the desert heat and what do you do about cooling it while gone?
  17. I always warn people away from truck campers (I've owned four and two trucks). You're better off getting something like a Class C and possibly towing a small vehicle. Or a truck and trailer combination. Unless you really need a truck for hauling or towing, I can't recommend it for you.
  18. This. We stayed there about five years ago - very close and convenient - good to know that the spot is still available. The forest boondock location is on the left side of the road as one approaches the park entrance. The only thing was that the road is dirt and was extremely dusty. Best of experiences on your journey.
  19. The Grand Canyon is stunning the moment one walks up to the edge and the dawning of understanding on just how huge it is, is unforgettable. You'll want to return.
  20. One last thought regarding "fission" is "what happens on the international front if countries such as Iran continue to work on uranium enrichment when "fusion" power is achieved?" (The question is purely rhetorical.)
  21. While understandable, this is a typical standard response. The data shows otherwise.
  22. Fission will probably be obsolete before it becomes a backyard power plant. Billionaires Jeff Bezos and Tobia Lutke recently committed large sums to General Fusion with plans to bring fusion online within four years: General Fusion And American MIT spin-off Commonwealth Fusion Systems plans a ". . . full-scale magnet demonstration is set to take place in June 2021." : Commonwealth Fusion Systems (also with billionaire backing Bill Gates) TAE Technologies see commercial power production by end of this decade: TAE Technologies Dozens of companies are in pursuit of fusion: https://www.fusionindustryassociation.org/members
  23. Darwin's Law rules. The tribe will go forward while the outliers eventually suffer the consequences of their inadequacies.
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