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Everything posted by lappir

  1. Tried something new today and it seems to be working out fine. Has anyone else cooked directly in the "Steel Can" on your induction hot plate? I had a friend who used to cook his "Beans" in the can on his Charcoal Grill all the time and I've used metal mixing bowls to heat water before. Making a can of "Campbells Chunky Clam Chowder" in the microwave and got the pop and splatter. Was heating a bit of water in the can to clean out the remaining soup and decided to take out most of the "Chunks" and finish heating them on the induction. Actually took less time than it would have in the Microwave. Rod
  2. I think the key is to either do it yourself at least once or have it done by a trusted professional and let them tell you how often they think it should be done after they have preformed the task. I found my brand new trailer with not enough oil in my oil bath bearings after my first trip. My mechanic said it shouldn't be an issue when he topped them off and that was 10 years ago. I did have to replace one inside seal since then, but don't remember if that was one of the lowest ones or not. With the quality of many of the builds coming out in various examples, I think it's prudent to inspect even the wheel bearings very soon after getting a new vehicle, trailer or what ever you have on wheels. Rod
  3. Before my Mother passed away, I never had to worry about a place to stay. Since then my younger brother took no time to sell the house and close out the estate as executor. I stayed with him once since then and will not again. Last Friday my Amok Hammock was delivered and yesterday waiting on "Totality" I was able to get it set up before it got dark for 4 minutes. Was able to take a nap while I thought I waited long enough for the traffic to sort itself out, but sadly was wrong. Traffic was still a mess for 3 hours and that's how long it took me to get to the destination. Six hours to get back home. At least I know I can sleep off of the ground as long as there are large(but not too large)enough trees around. Rod Rod
  4. I was preparing to leave on the motorcycle and of course forgot something. Had the Jacket and Helmet on and unfortunately the door didn't latch on my way in. As I got to it both cats were looking out, it's happened often before and I usually would just say "OK, back in the house" and they would comply. This time instead of back in the older Cat decided to jump off the stairs and go under the trailer. I looked and looked but could not see her so I went to my meeting for about an hour and returned expecting to find her sitting my the door. Nope. I looked and looked again and no sign. Even sat outside last night for a couple hours thinking she would come back. Again no luck. My youngest suggested putting the one of my litter boxes outside for the "Scent" and I did that in addition to a carrier she would sometimes sleep in (if the door was left open). I made sure the door would remain open last night. I've notified all the people I have seen outside today and have posted on Facebook in a Lost Pet in my area. She has a Micro Chip, but I'm not sure I remember how, when and where to notify them. I will be looking that up. Have I missed anything? I keep going out every few minutes and looking in her prior hiding areas, but I have a different truck now. When I first saw her she was coming out of my truck at an RV Park in Tahlequah, OK. The park staff said she was probably abandoned there, so I befriended her, took her to the vet for vaccinations and spaying and then kept her inside the RV. After a year she needed a friend and I fostered a family and kept on of the kittens when they were old enough to be adopted. All had been good till Friday. Rod
  5. That's the case at the park I've been at all winter. Never had a neighbor till the "Circus Came to Town" and then had several for a week. I had just filled my fresh tank so told them to not worry about me and I was fine. I was getting ready to pressure was the rig and thought I might as well get another Y, but now I will just unhook after topping off the fresh tank and leave the other hose connected till I'm done. Rod
  6. Even the brass ones I looked at had a similar warning. I did not go to an RV store and have yet to visit the Home Depot. Might do that Saturday when I'm sort of close to it already. Thanks for the replies. Rod
  7. My answer is "Sometimes", but not all that often. It's been a while since the last time and I left one of my "Y" connectors at the last place I was before here. (or maybe a couple of places ago) I stopped at a "Tractor Supply" store and picked up the least expensive one. Got home and started to install it, but decided the paper tag attached needed to go away (in the trans and not in the wind), so I pulled it off and the started to read it. I will be attaching a photo, but if you cannot read the warning, here it is in quotes below. "Warning: Contains lead. May be harmful if eaten or chewed. May generate dust containing lead. Keep out of the reach of children." And of course it was made in China. Fast forward to today. I visited 3 different retailers looking for a "Y" for "Potable Water". I found NONE. All were for "outside use only" do not connect to "appliances". "Cold water use only". Is this something New, have these warnings been present and I just pulled the tag and threw it away, thinking they had to be for drinking water? Oh and to top it off the local "ACE Hardware" said I could order it "on line maybe" and have it shipped to the store. I said I already came to your store, you didn't have it. If I have to order it I will have it shipped to my location. They said "They Charge extra for that now". Oh and BTW so does a lot of other places now. Rant over for now. Rod
  8. He does a good job of promoting solar, batteries and such for the DYI'er I think. Rod
  9. I tried searching with the information in the title and came up with a lot of stuff with the work Vehicle, but nothing in the first couple pages that included tying them down. I have to do some repairs to the garage in the trailer. I also have been planning on moving the "E" Track that was perfect for the Vehicross, but not so much for the Jeep. Jeep has a narrower track. Initially I thought I'd just do the "Airline" track, but yesterday I visited with a neighbor who had just loaded his Jeep in his pull behind cargo trailer. (Has a real Motorhome) He is trying loading backwards, to take a bit of weight off the trailer hitch. Won't know till next Fall if he was successful. What I did notice is the tie down rings and I aske how they have been working and if he installed them or they came with the trailer. Great and he did not install. We did talk also about wheel "Blocks" I think he uses two at each of the forward facing wheels when the vehicle is in the trailer. We also spoke about the cross tying he did at the door end. Looking at the photo now I think I'd rather have more of a pull back. He uses the dangling "Silver colored Shackle's" hanging just under the grill on each side of the front receiver hitch opening. Too me it's not enough pull back and not enough metal. I will go with wheel straps and maybe the rings more in the center. Will discuss with "Wyatt" at Spacecraft to find out where he put the additional blocking under the floor. The next project is illustrated below (sort of). I want to connect an exhaust extension to my Generator that will exit through the wall of my drome box and have an outlet above all the windows in the truck, maybe to be as high as the exhaust stack. Not a good picture of the stack, but I do have a lot of room at the front of the Drome box. I found the box that lived where the removed axle on the Gold truck fits fine along the front wall of the Drome Box with the Generator. Hopefully I can get it mounted higher on the wall and use it as a bench. I've attached my Montezuma Tool box to it and a small vice that have worked out pretty good even though they are too low. Hopefully my next trip to the hardware store can supply me with sufficient mounting hardware. Rod
  10. Maybe he will leave one of those "Treasure Maps".
  11. Wasn't the case at a few I stayed at in Florida. Park models and other trailers of all shapes and sizes with semi permeant stairs, decks and such. Never moved and not occupied in the summer months. I haven't been to Florida for over 8 year, so things most likely have changed. Rod
  12. I don't know this for sure, but I thought the person stays on the same lot/space. Wouldn't the time living in the RV end when the storage started? Yes Florida does treat "Long term" space rent's different than storage or short term. I'm not sure how many days are required to be able to cut back on the "Tourism" tax I believe the parks have to pay for the short term rentals. If one person is allowed to leave early than another and another and another will think it's OK. When I wintered in Tallahassee they wanted me to sign the form indicating I was a long term renter over the winters. Rod
  13. Edited initial post with updated link. Rod
  14. No that's not the one, but thanks Kirk. I will try again. Rod
  15. Old post and no replies, but I have another question regarding pet feeders and instead of creating a new one, I thought I'd just use this one. Save's paper eh?? I finally figured out the auto feeder through trial and error. My error was trying to program all the open spots. I think you can do 8, but there are only 5 food bowls. Doesn't make sense to me, but here is the next question. I got the Auto Feeder when I knew I would have to be away from my home for a whole weekend. I had on cat then and she was a good eater, didn't overeat even when more food was there and didn't eat too fast. She did great on my weekend away and each of the bowls still had a little food in them, but not as much as I filled them too so I was sure the machine did work and she did eat. Next I fostered a mother cat and her 5 kittens and guess what. One of the Kittens bonded to me and I had to adopt her. ( I really wanted almost all of them, but that's another story). The older cat in my home is much smaller than the kitten now. I knew that was going to happen because the Mother Cat was quite large. The auto feeder seemed to work well still for my infrequent absences for a bit over 24 hours at times, until recently. Took the Cat's to a new Vet a month or so ago and of course they said my Younger Cat was over weight and I needed to decrease her food, the older cat was at near perfect weight (maybe a bit under) so I was in a difficult place. How do in decrease the food for one while increasing for the other. I've watched their eating for a while now and know the younger cat will push the older one away from the food when she is eating. I've tried to distract her, but then the older cat want's to play too, do that really didn't work. My daughters friend has one of these. Removed and hopefully replaced the link. https://www.chewy.com/closer-pets-mibowl-microchip-dog-cat/dp/710014?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Closer Pets&utm_campaign=20211945994&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA9ox7QkEFbBmTJ2Mg5TiM9SQGCT4dRKtn_a4nIJyBjvtCXiiRTiU8MaAuruEALw_wcB Not sure if that link will work, but I wasn't to enthused with the product when I took care of the cat's using them over winter break. In addition they are over $200 each. I'd rather pay $300 for a single auto feeder that only dispensed the product while the cat was there and if they had used up their quota for the day nothing would come out. (anyone know if that exists)? So I know it's unpopular to some, but I do not use Amazon so an Amazon link will get ignored. A link to the actual product website will get looked at and if I can find a local distributor I will drive to see one and pick it up. Thank you in advance for any views and even more for comments. Rod
  16. I chuckled out loud too when I read that. Jack doesn't come around the forum much anymore (or at least does not post or respond), but Henry might see this and have a laugh too. The Flat floor was what got me and why I went with the Spacecraft Semi. I now realize I can blame Henry for that too. Rod
  17. I'm sure Jack had one, as did Henry. I had the Grand Tour of Henry's at my first HDT Rally. Rod
  18. And in my opinion are much better than the one in Foley, AL. I've mostly visited Sikeston, have stopped in Ozark a few times and only once in Foley. It was not worth the hour I travelled to it, so I didn't go again when I was that close. They could have just had a bad day, I don't remember it being any sort of a "Holiday" or anything. I still suffer grief from my youngest who always looked forward to a stop at Lambert's for refusing to wait for a table on "Mother's Day" in Sikeston. It was just she and I and the wait was said to be over an hour. I'd driven to Florida to pick her up the prior Friday and we still had several hundred miles to get back home and to work on Monday. TMI Rod
  19. lappir

    Picture posting

    I got an iPhone late last year and my Daughter is happier now since she has had one for several years and always complained about my "Android" photos. I didn't think much of it until the second time I tried to upload photos from my iPhone into my PC. I swear it worked the first time, no problem. Any way I've decided to use my old Android for most photos and video for my use and if I'm sending a text with a photo to my daughter I use the iPhone. The android is no longer connected to a cellular network, but with my iPhone hot spot activated I can use the Android to email photos, mirror with the new infotainment system in the truck and all sorts of stuff, as long as the batteries last on both devices. Rod
  20. lappir

    Myth Busters

    It all depends on how much you move the trailer and the weather conditions during your moves. There is also the consideration of the way you pull. Fast or slow, max carrying capacity or lighter loads. I liked the "Bearing Buddy's" with the grease zert on the cap. A few pumps from the grease gun and you have some new grease inside and hopefully some older stuff pushed out the back. (Be sure to wipe it off and dispose of properly). Now what's the consensus on wet bath bearings? Do you change the lube or only add more when you have to replace the seal? Rod
  21. The first trip I took with my new to me HDT included my Brother his wife and son driving it from Iowa to Florida to hook up to my trailer. They drove my Ford F350 back and we stopped at Disney (Epcot actually) and then hit Chattanooga, TN visited the Aquarium, Rock City and the underground adventure. (can't remember the name right now.) Their Son was in his early to mid Teens and my youngest daughter was almost a teen. They both had fun. Their son wanted to do the Zip Line but we didn't make it. Lambert's in Sikeston, Mo. was also a big hit with the "Throwed Rolls". The food used to be better, but that's the case everywhere it seems now. Have a wonderful time. Rod
  22. Thanks for the links. I keep asking my Daughter about the plan, but so far TBD is about all I get. They are ordering some glasses soon. I had some I used back in the 1980's and actually found them when I was in KC, but didn't get a chance to really use them with the heavy cloud cover. Rod
  23. I'm not planning on crossing the border into Mexico, but will be in the North Texas/Arkansas/Oklahoma area on that day. I've done a quick search of the cities mentioned of having a 3+ minute of Totality. You do gain to a potential 4 minute duration in Mexico. This will be my third Total Eclipse the first was in Hawaii on Oahu. The true totality was over the Big Island (Hawaii). The skies were very clear and it was an early morning event. Next I was in Kansas City and thought I had a great place the skies clear until about 10 minutes before totality and then heavy clouds arrived and while it got "sort of dark" it was not as remarkable as a Sunny day no longer being sunny. I'm hoping for clear skies and minimal traffic for the event. My Meteorologists will be checking the weather patterns before an early morning departure to where the clear sky hopefully be. Good fortune to all who will be attempting to get a glimpse and I hope you will have your appropriate eye wear. Rod
  24. If you are hooked up to your trailer 99% of the time, the lights at the rear of the truck are not that much of an issue, but if you daily drive you need to be sure. David is a great guy for sure. Rod
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