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Fifth Wheel Hitch leson Learned


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I tow with a Volvo and I have a Trailer Saver Air Ride hitch on the truck. A couple of weeks ago i hookrd up but didn't lock the hitch. moved about 50" and heard a noise. New right off what I had done. So I got out and Jacked up and tried to rehook. Couldn't get it to couple and lock. had to call a buddy and have him come over and back it to the rear of the house. Got on HDT Forum and everybody said clean the hitch. I use the disk but I have also sprayed grease on the hitch. i have been towing with this truck and hitch for 7 years. It took 4 cans of spray cleaner and 2 cans of Blaster plus a lot of scraping to get it to free up. We had a 5wheel pin box that we were able to us instead oe =f the 5er. That really helped. So I just want to share this tip. KEEP IT CLESN!!. Lub it only on the jaws that lock around  the pin and oil the shafts. Whenit droped it fell onto the hitch because I test the electric brakes as I start. Not much speed on so it caused no damage. It just made me feel like a idiot so remember to keep it cleaned and properly lubed. I did hook up today and it was slick as glass.   Pat



The Old Sailor

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I did a repair job on a Volvo HDT, singled short, that this happened to.  Bent up some sheet metal and left it looking ugly.  I tore out the damaged metal and made it look right again.  Nothing wrong with the hitch, only the operator I'd guess.


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