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SportChassis ISL 9 Owners


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For those folks that own a SportChassis truck with an ISL engines ....  Heads up ....

If you data plate on your engine says anything besides 350 HP,  call Cummins and have your serial number investigated.  You will most likely find that your engine was turned up and re-badged but your CPL for engine has do not allow it.  This means if you pull into a Cummins shop for service, your warranty on that engine could be void on the spot and they will reinstall the correct firmware without your permission to bring the engine back to the CPL requirements.  Those engines all left SportChassis plant in Clinton with 350 HP certification/badging, SportChassis does not offer anything else beside 13 liter engine.

You do not have to believe me, just call and Cummins Authorized Shop or call corporate headquarter and they will help you out.  An investigation has been launched on this by Cummins Corporate.  If an engine has been turned up and the CPL list does not allow it, the 5 year warranty on your support expensive SCR/DPF exhaust is at risk and Cummins has defective SCR units out there on the ISL 9 engines.  That alone is around 2600.00 to replace with about 1000.00 in labor, ECU reprogramming and 8 hours in the shop !

I am speaking from EXPERIENCE here. You have been warned and issues that arises from this, SportChassis will tell you to deal with the dealer and not their problem.

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Pug, I just talked to Powers.  They had the work done at Cummins and extended the warranty.  They are going to send me the paperwork.  I'll let you know what it says when I get it.  Was your tune up done by Cummins? Also I have had the rig serviced at Cummins 3 times and one warranty issue and nothing was said. Dick

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I know the serial number of your engine and according to Cummins, your CPL is the same as mine and not available for turn up. 

I urge all SC owners with turned up engines 8.3 and 9's to contact Cummins Corporate office and have your engine serials numbers validated and your turn up validated.  Only information that counts is what Cummins Corporate has to say, not anything else.

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1. You posted your serial number on the forum in the past and I looked at that truck for purchase before you bought it.

2. The authorized Cummins Shop in question is not the factory but an authorized service location and what they did and what Cummins Headquarters says are two different things and Cummins corporate headquarters is investigating what is going on.

Your engine serial number is:  73745551

If you like I can post the picture you posted of the dataplate back again.

Again, call Cummins headquarters and to have your serial number reviewed against the CPL and see if it was allowed for turn up.  Do not believe me and I urge you not to and verify for yourself directly.

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Cummins Corporate and Cummins service centers are not always on the “same page”!  For most warranty work a cross check of your ESN and  the CPL loaded in your engine may not be done. You may need a visit to your Cummins Service center and have them hook up their computer to the ECM to see what CPL is actually loaded. Then you can verify the CPL with Cummins Corporate.


Don’t know if you are aware of this website.  This link connects you to Cummins QuickServe and you can enter your ESN and it will show you a copy of your data plate and the CPL that it was built with. It also gives you lots of additional  info on your engine.  You can verify this against what the data plate on your engine says... then you decide your next move.  

Please let us know what the outcome is.





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I just do not understand why people are unable to understand simple instructions.  Call Cummins Headquarters and ask.  It seems that all folks that purchased their trucks from a specific dealer are concerned about asking questions.

I did not miss any questions you asked and my turn up was supposed to be done by our same dealer till I stopped it based on all the information Cummins supplied.  I am very happy you had 3 servies with them, call headquarters and ask questions.  Headquarters determines the state of warranties and how to address them.

BTW, the Cummins shop in question also told me the turn up with CPL cannnot be done yet for someone else they will do it .....  very strange.  Hence the investigation that has started.  I am just warning folks and at the end of the day, you have been warned.  It up to you to make a simple phone call and verify the turn up against your CPL list.  Everyone constantly has to shoot the messenger.

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6 minutes ago, DesertMiner said:

Cummins Corporate and Cummins service centers are not always on the “same page”!  For most warranty work a cross check of your ESN and  the CPL loaded in your engine may not be done. You may need a visit to your Cummins Service center and have them hook up their computer to the ECM to see what CPL is actually loaded. Then you can verify the CPL with Cummins Corporate.


Don’t know if you are aware of this website.  This link connects you to Cummins QuickServe and you can enter your ESN and it will show you a copy of your data plate and the CPL that it was built with. It also gives you lots of additional  info on your engine.  You can verify this against what the data plate on your engine says... then you decide your next move.  

Please let us know what the outcome is.





DesertMiner, slight glitch, when a center changes the dataplate, end user no longer see the original manufactured plate, a service center has to look at a different screen to see the orginal information.

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