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Back And Don't LIke The Ads

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I have been gone awhile and don't remember having all the ads on the forum   It seems to me that with PAID membership we should not have to have ads on the forum.  I guess I won't be signing in while on the road.  Were there ads before?  I don't remember them.

Christine - 7x16 Cargo to RV Trailer In Progress

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3 hours ago, RoadtripsAndCampfires said:

I have been gone awhile and don't remember having all the ads on the forum   It seems to me that with PAID membership we should not have to have ads on the forum.

Welcome back......... Looks like a first post so may I suggest that you stick around a while and try it? We are happy to have you here and hope that you will give us a chance. As previously mentioned, the forums are open to all and the advertising pays the way, much as in magazines which we also pay for. There have always been some advertisements but with the new software introduced several months ago, the format is different and there may be somewhat more ads but most of us get used to them. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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