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CA 44 Question

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I've traveled that road a few times in the past couple years.  No problem although I had to wait out a storm in Standish, CA near Susanville in April this year.  Good pavement, typical mountain road, a little narrow in places, but large trucks take it all the time.  Gorgeous drive. 




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Actually, CA 44 does not go through the park.  To go through the park, you would have to take CA 89, and as of this time, the road is still closed due to snow covered road.  But, back to CA 44, which is a very good road, which we just traveled a few weeks ago with our Montana from Carson City via Susanville.  We are currently parked east of Burney, CA, and just talked to a couple yesterday that attempted to visit Lassen Park, and they said, from CA 44, they only were able to drive about 12 miles into the park on CA 89.

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