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Have dates for the National HDT rally been set for 2017?

mr. cob

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Howdy All,


Title says it all, starting to plan my annual fall "Escape the Nor-Wet Gloom Tour", the first stop on this tour will be the National HDT rally from there I wander back home via as much sunshine and good times as I can find along the way.

So if anyone knows the dates of the 2017 National rally can they be posted ASAP, thanks.


2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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7 minutes ago, MrSeas said:

Howdy MrSeas,



2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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4 hours ago, Mntom said:

Dave, I hope to see you there! I am working on my wife about going again...........

Howdy Tom,

Please refresh my memory, are you the fellow who lives in southern Missouri who rides a Harley, I meet so darn many people in my travels that I often times get confused, having a very bad memory doesn't help in this situation.


2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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20 hours ago, mr. cob said:

Howdy Tom,

Please refresh my memory, are you the fellow who lives in southern Missouri who rides a Harley, I meet so darn many people in my travels that I often times get confused, having a very bad memory doesn't help in this situation.


Nope.... I was the one in the red LGT parked next to Damian...... across the isle from you.


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6 minutes ago, Mntom said:

Nope.... I was the one in the red LGT parked next to Damian...... across the isle from you.

Howdy Tom,

I am sure I'll recognize you when I see you but names often escape me, sadly it usually takes me a few times meeting folks to remember names and match them up with faces that's one thing I like about the HDT rallies we all get name tags. :D


2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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3 minutes ago, Mntom said:

You ain't the only one!! You happen to be a 'memorable' character! I am the one that took your Smart over to get the picture taken and you gave me a ride back in the side car. I want to ride in the side car again!

Howdy Tom,

A "memorable character", I must say that is one of the nicest things I have been called over the years. :lol:  OK, its starting to come back to me now, I remember someone driving the Smart Car over to get the picture taken and at least two or three folks who had a ride in the sidecar.  I'll go you one better then riding in the sidecar, heck I'll let you drive the darn thing if you want.


2001 Peterbilt, 379, Known As "Semi-Sane II", towing a 2014 Voltage 3818, 45 foot long toy hauler crammed full of motorcycles of all types.  Visit my photo web site where you will find thousands of photos of my motorcycle wanderings and other aspects of my life, click this link. http://mr-cob.smugmug.com/



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