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6 hours ago, rv-voyager said:

I am thinking about installing a composting toilet in a camping van project. Does anyone use composting method for their waste? How is working for use? Would you install another composting toilet?

Never in a RV, but we had them in the Forest Service. They require daily maintenance in turning the pile and fairly warm temperatures to keep the composting going.

Worked great at a Ferry Terminal that we had on Lake Chelan. Failed totally in the campgrounds.

They are large and bulky and that is the biggest problem with them in RV's. 

The Forest Service development centers and research arm have spent much effort in replacing the dump and pump toilets on Forest Service managed lands. Nothing has been found to replace a holding tank and pumping.

The one great success......really the last technological advancement by American engineering was the SST toilet.


Vladimr Steblina

Retired Forester...exploring the public lands.


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My son has had good luck with a 5 gallon bucket , layered with kitchen waste bags , and cat litter or saw dust .If it gets an odor he ties off the upper bag and shove it to the bottom . Tractor trailer cab !

As far as composting goes , we managed a campground in the U.S.V.I.for ten yrs , we tried composting and got rid off them !  A composting toilet is a living thing and must be fed a proper diet , if it gets out of balance it will stink up the neighborhood .

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