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Landing a Remote Job - Lessons Learned

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I recently went through the long and arduous process of searching for (and landing) a remote job. I'm not a recruiting expert, but this is what I learned from the experience. I hope it helps some of you that are hunting for a remote job:

My new, remote, job is a regular job at a regular company with paid benefits, salary, and it's pretty traditional, aside from the fact that I can do it from anywhere.

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Good video. I enjoyed it. It was advice that was well presented and coherent. I hope those skills are useful in your current employment because if they are not your employer is overlooking a resource.


Before I retired I worked for a company where outside of a few headquarters employees everyone worked from home. I would have continued with that company rather than retiring except for one major drawback. We were required to have a high speed internet connection to use the required VPN connection. That was an insurmountable hurdle for me. I have friends and relatives that work remotely. One friend could likely work on a dial-up connection (are those even available anymore?) but a relative, who programs, has to have that high speed when he works from home due to the size of the files he deals with.


I guess the point the I am making is that until high speed internet is available in all the areas an RVer is likely to be then there is going to being a limit on the scope of available jobs beyond whether a job can be made remote or not.


Kudos to you for landing one. I am somewhat jealous, or would have been a few years ago. :)


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