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Best Window Sealant?


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Finished the roof and had no leaks in the latest monsoons that came through so now I would like to re-do the caulking/sealant around the windows as a preventive measure. The last time I looked at the hardware store there was more different types of the stuff than "Carter has liver pills" as my father used to say!! So I came to the best advice section I could find. What have you guys used and what not to use??

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The proper way to seal an RV window is to remove it from the RV and replace the caulking tape that is placed on the side walls before installation. Then you put the window back into place and tighten the screws around and around the window a little at a time until a bit of the butyl caulking tape is squeezed out all around the window. Some RV techs and builders then apply a small amount of silicone or similar clear sealant round the sides and top to prevent the butyl from making black streaks down the sides of the RV when it rains. Do not apply the sealant along the bottom but only on the top and sides, if you choose to do this. You can see the proper way to do this on youtube.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Kirk is correct about the proper way to renew the sealant on RV windows, however the OP was asking about a preventative procedure. If your windows are not leaking now, do not remove them to replace the butyl tape as more damage can be done. If it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind. Again, do not use silicone as a sealant anywhere on your RV, it pulls away from a gel coat surface in time losing whatever sealing function it provides and often after a couple of years the whole strip can be pulled away intact.

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