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Anybody using the CHI St. Luke's Clinic at Livingston?

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Is anyone using the CHI St. Luke's Escapees Clinic at Livingston? I'm especially interested in whether or not they are writing yearly maintenance blood pressure type prescriptions. I assume they are sending you somewhere for lab work? I've already seen their website, etc. but these questions aren't being answered anywhere that I can see. Any info would be appreciated.

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Since I have a local Dr I don't use the NEW clinic, but my DW attended an orientation yesterday on the clinic. They seem to be a fully capable clinic. I am considering using the clinic instead of my primary care because it would be so convenient. I don't believe many use it yet.....who knows about it ?


I'm guessing that a question like this could be answered by a phone call ?

Dave W. KE5GOH

Stuck in the 70's ---

In E. Texas

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