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Google ending support for Flash based ads


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Good news for everyone that is tired of patching the endless stream of bugs in flash!





Google's getting serious about hastening the oh-so-timely demise of Adobe Flash, telling advertisers they've just under a year to move to HTML 5.

The ad giant has given advertisers notice that from June 30th, 2016, AdWords and DoubleClick won't accept upload of Flash ads. Come January 2nd, 2017, display ads won't run on the Google Display Network or through DoubleClick.
That's a decent amount of lead time for the advertising industry and its suppliers which, if the rumblings we sometimes hear coming from the sales side of the office are any guide, sometimes take rather a while to finish off their banner ads!
Google's already blocked Flash ads from running in Chrome and banished it from YouTube. Facebook did likewise, for videos.


More at the link.

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Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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