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Renewed faith in the human condition


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What a day! :P


Several of a first for me, but quite a decent outcome.. all told. I know I should have done my water and produce run a few days back, but one thing or another, right...


So I learned a few things today. #1 being that my well paid roadside assistance plan is severely lacking. Half way "home" and my WIF and glow plug sensor come on.. in half a second the engine shuts off and I'm "stuck". I tried a bit of additive, but it didn't circulate enough with a 1/4 tank to kick the old girl over.


Lesson #1. I off loaded my rig to make a town run.. including my 'hardly ever used' box. (including the 6mm hex I needed to drain my water separator). What's the old adage.. up a creek...? lol


Lesson #2. My roadside assistance plan charges an 'up front' fee of $100 to do any towing on "unimproved" roadways. Pretty much where I live.. so that was another fail..


So "beaten and battered" I finally make it home (a tad surly, I admit and my rig is still 'dead') and low and behold... out from the tree line comes a 'hail to the camp' and out walks a couple and their kid. A little dutch oven of apple cobbler and a pot of cowboy coffee! (I had no idea I even had neighbors)


What a treat! They had no idea of my daily plight and just offered up what they had for a complete stranger. I can't even express how delicious that pot of coffee was... It made my entire day.


So a special thanks to the Yorgeson's and for reaffirming the fundamental goodness of fellow RV'rs.


My rig is still 'dead', but I could really care less at the moment and will certainly sleep soundly tonight. ;)

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