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Apple and Java problem, Ask toolbar addon


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Something to watch out for if you use Apple and Oracle's Java, just make very sure you have unticked the box for the Ask toolbar before you hit the download button!







The upgrade, version 8u40 of Java for OS X, tragically tries to install the plugin, which hijacks the user's default web search engine and homepage to Ask.com. Windows users of the Java desktop runtime have fended off the toolbar for years, and quite why moneybags Oracle feels the need to include the thing is baffling to say the least.

We ran the update in an OS X virtual machine to check whether Oracle really is bundling the Ask toolbar. Users can opt-out of the plugin's installation by un-ticking a box during the upgrade process. Those who don't pay close attention when installing, however, will get the (potentially) unwanted Askware and a homepage takeover with their Java update.




First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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I let that happen once. What a mess. Why anybody would want Ask tool bar is beyond me.

2007 Arctic Fox 32.5 rls for full-timing, now sold.

2014 Sunnybrook Sunset Creek 267rl for the local campgrounds now that we are off the road
2007 Silverado 2500 diesel

Loving Green Valley, AZ (just South of Tucson)

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