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First RV Boot Camp/Escapade

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Newbie question: we are registered for RV Boot Camp and a few days of Escapade in Tucson. This will be our first national event of any sort since getting our first class A back in October. Given that only boondocking was available at the Fair Grounds, we will stay down the road at Voyager RV Park (seems close to the Fairgrounds).


We have 2 dogs, and are wrestling with the decision about whether to board them or not for this trip? Are the days of the events filled to the point where it would be difficult to jump in the toad and run back to the RV to walk dogs periodically? Would save some $ to bring the 'boys', but we don't want to spend our time cleaning carpets because we got sidetracked at the event! :(


Thanks for any advice!

TX Newbie

2005 Tiffin Phaeton 40QDH

2012 CR-V Toad

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Welcome !

Our experience with Escapades is that there will be time. Often there will be events SHE will be interested in, but HE won't which will give brakes....now Bootcamp is another matter, you'll have very little time.....might be why they call it "Bootcamp"? Much as I hate to suggest it, maybe best to board them out...this time only !

Dave W. KE5GOH

Stuck in the 70's ---

In E. Texas

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First of all, let me say that we will look forward to seeing you in Tucson and please do stop by the forum social hour or look me up at some other point if that doesn't work out. I'll be working with the security staff so should be around most all of the time.


On the dogs, I think that Dave has a pretty accurate response if your dogs must have the outdoor time during the days. Days can be pretty busy but you can set your own schedule but Boot Camp is packed full and someone would miss something if you do this. We are pretty fortunate that we have a very low maintenance dog but we still make sure that she gets out at least midway through the days. A great deal of this is dependent upon the individual dogs and so it is one of those things that only you can figure out. Looking at Google Maps, it appears that you will have roughly 8 miles between your campground and the Escapade grounds.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Why don't you just boondock?? You have everything you need on your Class A, just be carful of water .usage. I understand there will be a pump out service also. Part of the fun of Boot Camp and Escapade is meeting other people and having to run back and forth to the CG will become a hassle., If you have never boondocked before this is a great time and place to try it. You will have very knowledgable people all around you willing to share their expertise and no concerns about the dogs.


An alternative is to see if the CG has someone who can walk the dogs each day.

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