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Everything posted by hdrider

  1. I was trying to tone it down for public viewing but if you didn't really get the whole vibe I could send you a PM LOL!! The ribs are getting better every day, just not totally healed yet. Thanks for asking.
  2. Yes,, we have wheels but this is where Dianes mom & brother live. So it's one of those have to deal with it things.
  3. Uhgggg. We were in Portland Oregon the 1st week on June and certainly did not think we would see it again until next summer for a couple weeks. But after leaving and working our way to Glacier NP we ended making a HUGE U turn and worked our way back for 2 more weeks, Uhgggg once again LOL!! Then when Diane was checking us in they changed our site to the area most of the long term folks stay and that's not so good here, WHAT!!!! Well I already hate Portland and am not real fond of the park in the first pace so needless to say we got off to a bumpy start for this stay. At least after I went in the office we ended up in the area we agreed upon when we made reservations 3 weeks ago. Now I just need to get through the next 2 weeks in this God forsaken city and put it behind me once again LOL!!
  4. Well dang guys. We hope things get worked out faster than expected, you deserve a break.
  5. Yup, we had a nice 4th. The small town of Polson Montana had a nice parade that we attended mid day, then the RV Park we are saying at had a hamburger BBQ (for a small fee). And we were able to watch the fireworks being set off from the Flathead Lake from our RV site. Shortly after the fireworks the winds kicked up and cooled the place down which made for a nice nights sleep. And I think today will be the first day in over 2 weeks we have not been in temps over 90, I think it's supposed to be 84 today, yipeee. We will hang out here for a couple more days then move on again.
  6. We probably won't wander north of the border this time around but we have been enjoying this area. Hiked Tubbs Hill, did the tourist stuff downtown, took a drive up into the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, visited Sandpoint and took a drive out hwy 200, tomorrow is biking the trails and who knows what.
  7. Well, after spending couple months bouncing around in Oregon visiting family & friends we have spun away from the gravitational pull of Oregon and are floating around again. We spent a few nights passing through Washington and are now in Coeur D'Alene Idaho for a few nights. It will take us a couple weeks but we are slowing working our way to Glacier NP. We will spend a week there before slowing moving south.
  8. It sounds like you have a plan of attack all figured out Lee. And you sound like me, if it's meant to be it will happen. If not there are options.
  9. HAHA,, are you saying there is more to see in Florida than Lazy Days ??!! Now ya tell me. But it's going to be Arizona and southern Ca. for us again this year.
  10. Sounds like a few of the Class-less will be spending time on the east coast this year.
  11. They are already part of the Class-Less Class traveling Circus !!! LOL!!
  12. Are you sure?? Or have you traveled through Colorado lately and you just THINK it's a real Circus.
  13. Glad you came through un scathed. Hey, here is a thought, if your eye appointment isn't until next week Thursday how about firing that nice new to you rig up and getting the heck out of the way of those storms for a few days. Those tires are round for a reason, I know you know that LOL!!
  14. Yup,, we all know how the "plan" thing works LOL!!! Where will you be staying? 10 days, we might be gone or at least about ready to go by then I guess. BUT we will be back up in a couple weeks after we leave for 1 more week. Then the "plan" is to pull away from the gravitational pull of Oregon and head north east.
  15. We finished up our one month stay in Grants Pass and Diane got her dive cruise out of the way and we are now in the Portland Oregon area visiting family and friends for 2 weeks. We sure home everyone gets all of the icky things fixed before long. We certainly know how much of a pain it can be.
  16. Well dang Roger, that thing has sure been a pain in the rear. Can't blame you for thinking about some sort of change at this point. Tough to decide if things are about all fixed or if it will never end. It would be a shame to have it make you leave the RV life style. Don't let it drag you down that far before you make a change buddy.
  17. Dang it Lee, you better find a Buddha and rub it's belly good and hard.
  18. It sounds like things are coming back together for a few and people are moving around. Fun times!! Everyone travel safe.
  19. All of these short 10, 12, 25 mile moves are all very tolerable but the short ones I hate are when a park tells you you need to move from one space to another. We have only had to do that once but have seen others have to do it many times and it's hard to make any sense of it at times.
  20. Our first year on the road was mainly 80 to 150 mile moves once a week and that was perfect. It took us a year to get across the USA LOL!! So our normal vote would be for breaking that 100 miles up into 2 days.
  21. We will hang out here for a month and then go to Portland for 2 weeks. Then back to Grants Pass for one week, back to Portland for a week and then up into Idaho and eastward from there. Plans are made in Jello of course.
  22. Well, we lifted our jacks yesterday morning in Hawthorne Nevada and got the wild hair to stay on the road until we reached Grants Pass, Oregon. 460 mile travel day, the good thing is most of it was 2 lane highway in some very pretty country. The bad this is it was 460 miles, the longest travel day we have had in our 3 years of being on the road and I hope the record holds forever!!
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