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Posts posted by podwerkz

  1. Route planning, researching roads and bridges for clearances,  checking campsites online, navigating thru heavy traffic, dealing with impatient motorists, talking to others about certain campgrounds, fueling issues, avoiding certain areas because your rig might not fit....maneuvering a large rig in a tight situation, THAT is all work also.

    It might not be as much physical exertion at the campsite, but it takes more mental effort getting there, and that IS 'work'...that stress you feel at the end of a long day on the road...we've all been there.

    It is generally more effort than toting a small camper, and that's my point.






  2. Whats with this spam about watching a song somebody wrote?

    I've gotten two of them from two different people, who are doing some kinda of mass mailing...

    I just delete them with no action, I do not click on the video or link. Safer that way.

  3. Wait....you dont get paid a dime to help a multi-billion dollar company, AND you have to zip your lips?



    Earlier I posted that I could not get the Starlink website to take my physical address....the 'SUBMIT' button was not functioning, after I typed in my correct, I repeat, CORRECT address. 

    Well I thought, lets try a few more variations....just for grins...

    It finally took one of the variations, I left out the 'S' indicating South....poof...it let me SUBMIT.

    Sometimes the webmistress will have her way....and make us SUBMIT.

    Ok...but its kindve a moot point, since I'm waay too far south anyway....but what the heck. I get to tell people that I SUBMIT.

    Or not.




  4. On 6/29/2020 at 10:02 PM, aztex said:


    When I arrive...

    First night in someone OD's on heroin

    Numerous very old ratty trailers. Like 1950's models...

    Told not to leave items out as there is a lot of theft.

    Managers constantly complain about ONE tenant...the one next to me!

    Wife beaters and child molesters for neighbors

    Homeless sleeping in RV park

    Homeless unhinged encountered every walk out side park

    Fireworks M-80's every night.



    Oh heck, sounds like you made a wrong turn into slab city....

  5. Years ago we had a bunch of them! My second paragraph above starts out 'Several years ago'. (that established the time travel component of the post!) 🚀

    I miss that store, but in the last couple of decades they lost their way with nothing but toys, then cellphones, then crap. The serious hobbyist got left twisting in the wind.

    They just did not want our money anymore.

    But oh, the glory days of waiting for that monthly Radio Shack flyer to arrive in the mail with some nifty coupons and all kinds of electronic gadgetry on sale...



  6. Now that made me grin....I remember buying a 20 meg drive, for something like $500 or so back in the late 80's...

    Several years ago I was going thru some of my old vacuum tubes and ran across a Realistic Gold Clad Lifetime Tube still in the box with the receipt...from 1970, when Radio Shack still used hand-written receipts.

    As a friendly prank, I took the tube and the box and the receipt to the local Radio Shack and walked in and showed the young manager chick the receipt, and I said, this one is bad, I want a new one...its guaranteed for life! She said what is that? I explained what it was...she was amazed...and took pictures to text around to her Radio Shack associates, I presume.

    For some reason they just dont keep them on the shelves anymore....




  7. That't why I used the term 'fuzzy math' above.

    For instance, an axle manufacturer could de-rate a 44,000# axle just by supplying it (or specifying) with fewer (or less stiff) leafs in the spring pack, or the buyer might keep the heavy duty axle but swap in lower capacity air bags and shocks when they change the hitch arrangement.

    So, between the build sheet, the hardware specs, the registration documentation, the manufacturer rating when originally titled, the end user requested specs or changes, the state of registration, IFTA operating authority, DOT registration, and a boatload of other issues, the hardware ratings are generally not going to be exactly the same as the legal, 'DOT' ratings.....meaning that, legally, two identical trucks coming off the assembly floor, could, in theory, have a Class 8 and a Class 7 rating a month later.  

    This doesn't happen normally in commercial trucking, but I could see it being possible for special or custom trucks, driven by non-CDL private owners, in recreational vehicle service. 




  8. Well, yeah, typical fuzzy math. A single screw tractor can certainly be a class 8, (slip a 44,000lb axle under  there and poof) but as I look at the one in the picture, I would assume it is not going to be hauling doubles or a 50,000-80,000 pound load (truck, trailer and cargo). Meaning it probably has a lower limit on the installed axle and suspension, which might make it a class 7...but a very NICE class 7!

    In the real world, it often depends on the label affixed in the door jamb, and/or the registration, and/or the paperwork, as to how it is classified, regardless of the actual hardware installed. 

    At any rate, when I look at it, it screams 'Class 8 with 4 doors!'



  9. Rick your right, I suppose I got hung up in the fact that the cab and sleeper is based off a typical class 8 unit, but singled out at the rear (which I really didnt notice, it was the four doors I was awed by)....but, it looks to me like it is still almost a class 8, just needs another drive axle to get there. 

  10. Wow! 4 door class 8...I think I've seen it all now...I have to wonder tho, what that aftermarket conversion work does to the cab integrity in the event of a roll-over or jacknife....

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