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runaway parents

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Posts posted by runaway parents

  1. Just now, rickeieio said:

    HHRV guide only gets updated when someone sends in submissions. It's done by a volunteer, and doesn't pay well.  Have you ever submitted a campground?

    Yup.  Pine Near RV park  in Winthrop WA. Have been to just about every RV park listed in Washington state in the hhrv guide I know there has got to be more than what is listed in Washington any body have any ideas

  2. Just now, Phil D said:

    The Resource Guide doesn't get updated with campground information because that's not the designated repository for that data.  It's for information regarding HDTs and towing with HDTs only.

    What you're looking for is the Heavy Haulers RV Campgrounds web site, which is located here: http://hhrvcampgrounds.com/.

    Sure glad we got this straitened out . Let me rephrase this.  Other than Heavy Haulers RV camp ground web site (THAT never seems to get updated) Is there another resource to look for big rig friendly RV Resorts.

  3. Yet another reason to cover your tires and wheel to protect them from the sun and heat . Plastic chrome hub covers.  The heat will warp the plastic and the chrome hub caps will fall off.  Learned the hard way will be getting new wheel and hub covers.

  4. Just now, Chad Heiser said:

    Bring him out to the WCR next year with you and really let him jump off into the deep end.  😜

    We are going to try to make it next year. If I see him again I will try to talk him into coming. By then he should have his truck put together. We will see. Hey Chad is ambassador taking reservations for next year?

  5. As a Hdt owner I didn't realize how much we influence  people .After having a ruff day at work I came home to an interesting suprize there was a young man in my driveway that I had met a couple of years ago  he had answered an advertisement I put out trying to sell my commercial fifth wheel at that time he came over to look at it and got really interested in  our truck.  Two years later he is standing in my drive way looking like a proud owner of a freightliner . He had so many questions how to  license how to insure. It was a lot of fun helping him out. I brought up our truck forum  I hope he gets involved with the forum that way you guys  can fix what I screwed up.Ha I hope he reads this and wish him all the luck and welcome to the HDt  family.

  6. What a screwed up year couldn't make it to the wcr this year do to the work situation and four weeks ago  we got hit with a $4,200.00 domestic water bill needless to say we have a new water line from the meter out at the street all the way into the house 4 separate leeks. This thing decided to go all at once. Truck has been sitting all year . That is going to change .We are going to live up to our call name. We are going to hook up the trailer and runaway. Like the song says I've got a quarter heads Carolina tails California. Honestly any where would be great

  7. On ‎5‎/‎23‎/‎2020 at 7:31 PM, rdickinson said:

    As I recall you did concrete forming in construction??  Anyway beginning of April I walked away from construction because at that point they still didn't get it re safety and this Covid 19 business.  Things have changed, I called Worksafe and they dragged this one guys hide thru the fire x2.  Even after the first time he bucked the system but not after the second.

    So here is the way Condos are being done in Victoria.  With the building up 4 floors and closed in.  We have 2 staircases at opposite ends of the building.  One is for up and the other down.  Both clearly marked and you still  get people bucking the rules but If I catch them, they are sent the other way.  If you are walking down a hallway and meet someone coming the other way, the one with the load has priority, the other ducks into the closest room.

    Maintain 6' separation where possible, if not wear a mask, we supply N 95's.  There are 2 outside covered handwashing stations with hot and cold plus soap and sanitizer.  Portapottis are wiped with Simply green full strength, handles inside and out, paperholders, disinfectant containers and the tops of the toilet seats and covers.  Yes we are wearing gloves.

    All light switches door handles and anything else that people touch gets wiped and I have no problem doing it.

    The workers for the most part are concerned and not slacking off.  There are some jerks who won't play ball but I was only there for a couple of days.  Any longer and their head office would be called and they'd be written up....Do it again and goodbye.

    Each day there is a short meeting to remind everyone about the stakes.  2 months ago I was told there were over 200 journeymen carpenters off.  I don't know if it was Covid 19 or just taking themselves out of the market.

    Take some hand sanitizer to work and wear gloves if possible and wash your hands before breaks and going home.  Not everyone plays by the rules and you don't want to take it home to the rest of your family.



    yes . I have done a lot of concrete forming over the years .(actually I am what you would call a turn key carpenter. A carpenter that can do all phases from foundation to handing over the keys) I am a journeyman carpenter. Foreman and sometimes superintendent certified  welder equipment operator and cdl truck driver.

  8. Good news going back to work Tuesday. Sure going to be interesting we will see how this is going to work  .Mandatory face mask and social distancing  and temperature checks. To little to late  for the rally but at least I wont have to sell the truck. If the rivers don't rise and the pandemic don't take a turn for the worse we will try to make it next year.

  9. Thought we might make it  to the rally but it is definitely not going to happen .Been laid off since January. Thought we where going back to work till the pandemic shut us down again. Only have 575 hrs to go till I can retire from construction. Its not looking good they say once they lift the stay at home order we will have so much construction that we wont have enough people to man the jobs. This means over time and a lot of it. We will see I wont believe it till I am on the job site pounding stakes and driving nails!

  10. With all do respect  to the guys that can afford a huge shop with big elaborate tools. It is not the size of the shop its how you use it. For the people that is interested in owning a hdt and want to do your own work. You don't need all those fancy tools . My shop is a two car garage  with a concrete drive way to park the truck on while working on it. Although it sucks working on the truck out side but I managed to build my bed out side in the snow.I would get spoiled working in side. May sounds low budget but I don't have a lot of over head to deal with  you would be amazed with what you can get done with a peanut grinder and a buzz box for a welder. The less over head means more diesel we can buy which =s more camping trips.. But one thing the fact I built my bed in my drive way I took my neighbors In consideration I worked on my bed during the winter months because my neighbors where inside hibernating and didn't have to worry about setting there shrubs on fire from welding sparks  also didn't have to worry about the neighbors kids watching me weld and didn't have any complaints from grinding noise.  Yes I built it in a residential neighbor hood some city's have ordinance against this  keep it clean cover with a tarp don't make your drive way look like a junk pile. And shouldn't have a problem.

  11. 10 hours ago, Chad Heiser said:

    Hi back at you.  I am back to work today on a modified schedule after a department imposed two week self isolation period.  Things are definitely not normal around here, but we are continuing on.  I'm working 12.5 hour shifts for the next two weeks and then possibly back into another two week self isolation period.  We will see how long we keep this up.


    On edit:  Here's an article about some of the stuff our department has implemented to try to minimize exposures to officers.

    Hi Chad good to here your doing ok .Sounds like your world has been turned upside down two . Construction for me has been shut down since January. First month was because of lack of work. Just when things where picking up and we where getting ready to go back to work every thing got shut down. Vickie has been like a rock she works at the hospital she was screening patents until they figured out she was at hi risk  so they moved her off the front lines and got out of harms way. She is doing ok for now. I still worry about her. You all stay safe out there. Stay healthy

  12. Thought I would check In and say hi how is every body  doing. Just sitting here looking at the truck and trailer looking forward to the day we can get it out and use it again, It is sitting there all ready to go. I hope every body is doing ok. Work is still shut down around here doesn't look good.  We will see .Hopefully things will turn around soon. You guys and gals stay safe and healthy out there.

  13. 59 minutes ago, Darryl&Rita said:

    It's already been invented. Use the method I posted above. I can't claim ownership, I found it online some years ago, when we didn't have hydraulic jacks. I think everything came out of coffee cans in the shed, but even buying new parts should be less than $20.

    After this weeks snow melts I will mock up your idea and give it a try  if it works great if not I will have to think about this a little more sure do appreciate your help thank you.

  14. With all of the fabricators electrician's  air plane builders trailer hitch builders jackilopee builders and a wide assortment of arm chair engineers You would think some body would have a cheap retro fit up grade using what is there .Without emptying the bank. I know if we put our brains together we should come up with some thing. I don't want to spend a lot of money on new landing gears because this is money that can be used on diesel and camping trips. Not every body on this forum has push button landing gears. and I bet if some thing was invented I am sure you could make some money of this . I know I would buy it.

  15. On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 6:18 AM, rdickinson said:

    Here's my contribution to the issue.  Firstly, Stan Miller over a decade ago told me not to stack blocks higher than 7".  If the trailer comes off for some reason things will shear or break.

    So these are leftovers from a construction project, 12" wide by maybe 20" long.  The white locking block is 1 - 1/8" thick and about 1/8" smaller in overall dimension of the cutouts in the big blocks. The cutouts on front and back of the big blocks are slightly bigger than the landing gear feet and 5/8" deep.

    I marked out the cutout size then drilled most of the material with a drill and speedbore then made a jig to sit on top and used my laminate trimmer with a 1/4" straight flute cutter to trim the rest out and adjust for depth.

    Edges of the big blocks got bullnoses as there were lots of frayed edges.  Put on a couple of coats of leftover stain to protect.

    I put the blocks on 3/8" thick rubber to keep them off the ground.

    The rope was attached by drilling down from the font on an angle and roughly the same angle up from the bottom to intersect halfway...if that's clear??  Pushed the rope thru on both ends, did a stopper knot on both an jammed them back in the holes then caulked the holes with black butyl or whatever there was available.

    The blocks lock together, encapsulate the feet to prevent accidently pulling the trailer off the blocks.

    I have it set up so if the ground is flat the landing gear needs no adjustment.  All I do is dump the hitch first then drop the suspension count to 10 then drive out from under the trailer.






    Rodger  great minds think alike I to have a set of 12x12 inch pads built similar to these.

  16. Looks like we wont be making the rally this year .Work has shut down. Started out the year strong. But has dried up. I don't know if its virus related but things are getting weird around here. Going to lock down unnecessary expenses til this thing blows over. Hopefully next year .

  17. On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2020 at 3:29 PM, Darryl&Rita said:

    1/4" eye bolt, and a short rod to hook it with. Mount the eye to the foot pad, have your partner release the snap pin, and run the switch. Heck, have your partner run the whole works. Keep her supplied with cool beverages. 

    Good idea .Might just drill a 1/2 inch hole in the foot pad and use a hook to lift it with might just work. presented your other idea to wife and got that look you know the one that comes with a E No. I am living on barrowed time last night I blew up one of her pyrex pans on the stove don't need any more advice like this  thanks:lol:hahaha

  18. Although the big foot idea is a good one. There is got to be a cheaper solution to this I know I am not the only one with this kind of landing gear out there. Any input would be appreciated there is got to be a way to take what I have and make it better with out draining the bank.  I know there is a lot of fabricators and engineer's out there  it time to express your opinions. Think cheap  but functional. Thanks for your help in figuring this out..

  19. I know there is a lot of guys out there that have bad knees. Question that I have  is . How do you get under your trailer pull the pin on the landing gear extension lift it up buy hand till it is in the fully up position and reengage the pin .Crawl out from under trailer .Scream in pain there's got to be a better way ?.Then go over to button and finish raising the landing gear. Seems like the designer for this setup quit his job half threw the design process.Do any of you guys have an easy fix for this.

  20. Before you waste time fixing the air leaks, oil leaks, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed what gear is he talking about?  Have somebody prove it. If its a air compressor have it removed.  Have oil analyzed. If it comes back bad  get rid of truck. Pull oil pan drain plug drain about a gallon of oil in a clean pan run a magnet threw it (the oil) If there is a gear failure the magnet will pick it up( metal shavings). I would not fix any thing else until this situation is resolved .if it come out bad sell it for parts.  I know this is not what you wanted to here but until this is done you will never know

  21. Oh what have I done? it started out with the  the possibility of getting new head lights. Talked myself out of that  and polished  the old ones up They looked so good that when dw got home from work she ask what about the rest of the rig? All I have to remember is wax on wax off.  I get it wax on wax off wax on wAXOFF  wAXoN WaWoff waof  onafw.  Who s idea was to polish those lights anyway?i got to keep thinking Jeep Jeep Jeep( should of bought new lights) no Jeep Jeep Jeep.

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