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runaway parents

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Posts posted by runaway parents

  1. 4 hours ago, Big5er said:

    Pictures??? What kinda of kayaks?

    Nothing fancy for a rack just a couple of 4x4s with a eye bolt in the middle and ratchet straps to keep them on the truck . I have one 10 ft kayak and one 11 ft kayak  they are the sit on top verity . We have gotten a little lazy (bad rotor cuff) when it comes to paddling  and put 45 lb thrust electric trolling motors on them  installed a fish finder on mine this morning. Both kayaks where bought at cabellas . Once I get our jeep I plan to build a kayak rack that I can park the jeep under.

  2. Well new cab shocks and donvel valves installed  today .Took it for a test drive  seems to fixed the wobbles .Truck handles a lot better .Thanks for the advice. kind of dreading the shock removal soaked nuts and bolts with penetrating oil for a couple days .hit them wit a 3/4 inch impact wrench and they spun write out . Donvel  valves easy install. Also built kayak rack for truck .Quite a productive day. well any way thanks again.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lance A Lott said:

    You had an Elan too.

    Now there's a sled an Elan. Never had one kind of surprised I didn't own one. Had 5 artic cats and three Yamaha ha  has. And one Kawasaki. Wait a moment I got it a  o8 vnl780 Elan ,Only one thing missing is the side hilling strap on the door!

  4. Donvel valves check . Shocks will do. Check cab mounts going to do that to.  Looks like its going to be a busy weekend . This thing has gotten so bad  that I thought I would have to drive it while standing on the out side step . Like I did riding snowmobiles. Here we go left turn every body. Now lean into the turn.

  5. Seems like I have a bad case of the cab wobbles every time I hit a bump or go around a corner. Whats the best remedy for this  ? Put new air bags on it this spring to fix a air leak .  Don't think that would help the wobbles Im thinking new cab shocks would help. Any other ideas?

  6. 1 hour ago, Darryl&Rita said:

    Well, you've all convinced me. Next time I'm working anywhere above the ground, I'm using a proper fall-arrest harness. I put in an order for a new one today, but I'll have to keep using my old one in the meantime:


    I am sure

    I am sure this is fake . But if its real and this guy fell it means one less idiot out of the gene pool.

  7. 17 hours ago, rdickinson said:

    I do FA and Site Safety on Constructions Sites.  In the Orientation we caution newbies not to walk under the  pump boom and to make eye contact with the operator.

    This happened today.  Find anything wrong wit this pic.


    This will go to the owner of his company and he won't be back.  I don't want to be the guy who deals with the results of a fall...I would but would rather not.

    This could happen to anyone in the HDT crowd, 13' to the top of the trailer add another 6 ft to allow for average ht to the head.  That's 18-19ft for the 20 lb watermelon to hit concrete.

    Victoria lost a FA person 2 or 3 years ago after a worker fell from a floor 4 levels up.  The worker was alive and conscious after the fall but died several days later.  The FA guy crashed.

    I wish these guys would get it.

    This picture really pisses me off this is premeditated this guy should of been fired on the spot and fined he new he was supposed to be tied off but tried to pull a fast one and sneak it buy the boss I have seen this on multiple jobs the old drag your lanyard on the roof and make it look like he is tied off from the ground. I noticed something else where is his high viz and where is his hard hat. This guy was not thinking of what might happen to his family and friends if he was to fall. The pain and suffering he would put his family threw. its just not worth the risk . Great Catch Rodger you may have saved this guys life. You keep on doing what you do .and if you come on my site and find I am doing something un safe I would shake your hand and thank you for keeping use safe

  8. 20 hours ago, rdickinson said:

    He wasn't roped in with a harness??  They should have provided Critical stress de briefing for you with follow up available.

    Canadian Worksafe  the equivalent of US OSHA, handed out an $800,000 fine to a firm that a young person who fell 50 ft or so and died.


    This was 2 m, about 6'6"  half the ht of the top of the Condo cab.

    Ya know, we in Canadia are shamefully lightyears behind the US in First Aid. 

    No he  wasn't roped in with a harness.  He went around caution tape and a caution barrier walked out on a 12inch ice covered ledge fence on one side 35 ft drop on the other.  I was on the pump truck hose and had back turned to him in a snorkel lift with my son  the pump truck operator told me that guy just fell.quickly took a head count of the guys on our crew .and the pump truck operator said no look-in the bottom of the canal .I was about 40 feet up it took what seemed fore ever to get my snorkel lift down to help him. As far as critical stress de briefing . they offered counseling we figured we could deal with it on our own and turned it down. looking back we  should of taken it. My son had to deal with night mares and panic attacks for about 6 months after word. After all said and done it was determined it was no falt of the contractor and that it was his own bad judjment

  9. So to back up what Rodger stated when you have to get off the ground be safe about it . I to work in  the construction trade .We had a inspector take a header off the face of the dam I was working on. Fell 35 ft .Buy the time I got to him there was nothing I could do . this happened the day before xmas and they pulled the plug on him the day after. He went threw two safety barriers  just to take pictures. Bad judgment call on his behalf. It takes a  split second to change your life for ever. My xmas holiday will never be same again . I think about what happened every year. When you get off the ground please be safe about it . 

  10. While looking a my gage cluster in the dash I noticed a rear air bag pressure indicator . Noticed it fluctuates up and down depend on load and road conditions. Question is. Is there a way of using this info to calculate how much weight I am carrying?

  11. I carry a set off three rail chains a trucking company gave me all I had to do was repair them .  I have enough iron to chain up eight tires. hopefully I will never have use them .  I was told that they where used on a logging truck. . Ok not meaning to change the subject but has any body have any stories of engine brake and or automatic transmissions down shifting and throwing the truck into a slide  on ice?

  12. Well this proves one thing for sure locks keep  honest  people honest. Sweet Success brought up a good point the harder you make it for them to break in the more destructive they will get. Had a radio stolen out of our mustang they did a thousand dollars  worth of damage to the dash board getting it out. I had it anchored in there with angle iron. This guy was determined to get it out.

  13. Just a heads up . IF you have a key for your basement on your Rv that has the number CH751 stamped on it. It is highly possible  every body else dose .  Might want to change those locks.

  14. So when I found the batteries  dead on our truck this is what I did to get it started  .Put jumper cables from my f250 to the truck and got it started ran a little while brought it back to the house and put it on a automatic batteries charger and walked away from it for a couple of days .Took it for a drive that following Saturday put on about a hundred miles. brought it back parked it  .Went out today and tried to turn on dome light nothing cb nothing tv nothing . But the batteries where charged. Evidently the truck went into self preservation mode and shut down unnecessary systems .So to reset the computer I had to disconnect  the batteries once I did this every thing came back to life. Thanks to RandyRetired  he gave me an idea. Just disconnect the batteries and reboot . THANK YOU

  15. 21 minutes ago, Randyretired said:

    When the batteries get low many Volvos systematically remove power from some things.  Usually these restore when the batteries are charged.  If the batteries are charged there might be a problem with that circuit not allowing it to restore power.

    Is there a reset button some where? Batteries are fully charged now.

  16. Interesting development as a result of the inverter mistake that ran batteries down. I have no power where the cb is wired in no power at the upper 12 volt outlet and no dome lights over driver seat and passenger seat is there a relay that runs all of these I have checked the fuses there is  no power to them. any ideas? This is on a 08 vnl Volvo 780 T^hey where working fine before the inverter mistake.


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