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bruce t

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Everything posted by bruce t

  1. Kirk I only noticed it when the lights were out! Otherwise you look perfectly fine to me.
  2. If nuclear is 'bad' then who's going to tell the Navy?
  3. Just an observation which confuses me! Some say I'm easily confused!!! We have traveled much of the world. We have lived in the USA for approx 8 years in total. In that time we found Americans to be very polite and considerate. Americans stand in lines and are patient. Other countries it's push, shove and yell. Walk across a car park and Americans stop and let you walk safely. Not in Australia. Running over pedestrians could be considered a sport!! Just joking! Plus many other examples of American lifestyle we admire. Yet why is it that that consideration rubs some folks the wrong way when it can/could mean the difference between life and death? Dramatic? Maybe. Is there something I'm missing? How hard is it to keep your distance, wash your hands and wear a mask on certain occasions? Don't get me wrong. Here in Australia we have had some real dumb a$#s rules. Like wearing a mask when your are the only one in the car or driving your tractor in the middle of a 1000 hectare field!!! Or shutting down 2 million people because of 1 case. But I still cant get why some Americans simply wont cooperate. And I don't believe in the political conspiracies. It's all about the individual. Twelve months ago I would have bet that Australians would revolt at the rules. Not now. Australians grumble but do as they are told. (A real mystery). Yet our results have confirmed that a few hard yards gets the results. Can't some folks see that the good of the majority is in their own interest? I know there's no one solution. I know that each society is different. But something just doesn't add up. The USA has 1400 deaths per million. Australia 35 per million. Is there no alarm at those figures? I would appreciate some thoughts on why. Without politics please.
  4. Barbaraok "NOBODY let it loose. It jumped from the wild population (probably through bats) into humans as increased population moved into their habitats. The virus was identified several years ago as one that could jump - just like SARS did. And there are others, so another jump is likely when humans move into and destroy animal habitat. " This is just supposition. Investigations are on going. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying it hasn't yet been proven. The WHO is currently in China investigating. Will they find conclusive evidence? More than likely not. But your statement isn't yet fact.
  5. Yes I said free. Free as there is no fee to get tested. Yes I know there's no such thing as free in todays society. But how pedantic can you get? I'm not a fan of much of Australia's over reach with covid. Lockdowns etc. But it has worked. Yes it has made life very annoying. Yes the politicians, authorities and especially the media are having a field day with their power hit. But it has worked. Australia has been very successful at controlling covid-19. But it has come at a great cost. Both personally and to the economy. When the USA gets 100000+ a day cases and at the same time 2 million folks in Perth get a 5 day lockdown for just 1 case then you have to scratch your head and ask yourself is it worth it? But what do you want? 100000 a day or a 5 day lockdown? Now let me be clear here. Most of Australia's deaths, 90%, have be as a result of government or authority stuff ups. Those stuff ups are the cause of Perths 1 case, 5 day lockdown. So the USA has to ask itself, do we let it continue as it is or do the hard yards and close down covid? Your choice. The vaccine isn't going to stop the spread. It will only prevent you from getting real sick. And covid will be like to flu so we all have to learn to live with. The key is how do you do that? But first you have to bring it under control. And that's the weak point because you have the politicians, authorities and the media all sticking their noses in. Edit - I know someone is going to question the lockdowns. Lockdowns worked in Australia among other actions. Lockdowns didn't/haven't worked in the UK. So no lockdowns aren't a silver bullet.
  6. The vast majority of those testing positive have no symptoms and/or very mild symptoms. But they can be those who unknowingly spread it to others. So the logic is, here in Australia, to test test test. Identify those who test positive and isolate them. Australian's line up in their thousands every day to be tested. No big deal there are free test stations all over the place. If you think you have symptoms your are asked to be tested and stay at home until you get your result. Usually in less than 24 hours. Removing the positive cases from society for a few days mean the rest of society can get on with a 'normal' life. Because you don't think you have covid doesn't mean you don't have it. Research here says that 99% of cases show no symptoms or very mild symptoms.
  7. The reporting of covid 'deaths' is different in every country. So look at all the figures with a skeptical eye. France changed their reporting method mid way during the first wave. Here in Australia if you die in a traffic accident and have covid in your system you are counted in the covid numbers!! Silly? I know of a 30 something male who was reported as Australia's youngest covid death. But the autopsy found he died of 'other' causes. But I'm sure he is still on the covid count. A good elderly friend of ours was in a car accident. Hit by a drunk. In hospital she contracted pneumonia. Her cause of death was pneumonia. But she only got into hospital and contracted pneumonia because of the drunk. Drunk walked free because he wasn't responsible for the pneumonia. It's a crazy world. My point is that you can throw figures around all you like to prove or disprove a point. But how are those figure calculated?
  8. Re lock downs. Australia has had hard lock downs and we have had 2 covid deaths in 6 months. The UK has had hard lock downs and they are a basket case. It's not a black and white question with a black and white answer. Parts of Australia have had mandatory masks while others haven't had masks at all. No difference in out comes. BUT. And there's always a but. But folks are trying to make this a very simplistic debate. It's not. There are a zillion variables. The last 12 months in Australia have been a real PITA. But folks are still alive. Many folks are happy with being locked up and making politicians responsible for their safety. Others are taking responsibility for their own health and doing the right thing. While other don't give a dam. In Australia there are couple of common factors as to which group you are in. The elderly and left leaning are in the first group. The fit and healthy are in the middle group. The other simply don't give a dam about theirs or anyone else. Now this is not a political post. I don't intend it to be. But the elimination of covid-19 around the world is nigh on impossible. The vaccine isn't a silver bullet. So sooner or later everyone is going to have to learn to live with another variant of covid. Just like we like with the flu. It's here to stay. How you manage it in this phase is the key.
  9. Sandsys Australia's testing system is one of the toughest in the world. Just because the USA has approved something doesn't mean it's safe or not safe as far as Australia is concerned. Independent countries independent systems. No right or wrong way. The USA is in a far worse situation than Australia re covid-19 so there is more urgency in the USA so I'm assuming the USDA has taken a calculated risk in approving it. On the other hand Australia is in a much better situation and can afford to be more cautious. The point of me posting the story is that it gives others an option that they may, or may not, have know about. We all have views on how covid is being handled. Don't get me started about Australia's handling of covid. But each to their own opinion and views. But the more options that are available the more we can all get back to 'normal'. Whatever 'normal' is. There has been far to much looking backwards and playing the blame game. Time everyone looked forward so we can all go RVing again.
  10. I don't get you guys. Did you read the article? First, it is yet to be approved in Australia by our TGA. (Australia has one of the toughest testing criteria for anything to do with health. Australia only last week approved any covid vaccine. The USA has gone ahead with covid vaccines way before they were approved here in Australia). "Why test if you're not sick"? Well hello that's how you prevent spreading covid by finding those who are positive. And where does it say anything about FALSE positives? "Aus has had to destroy millions of test kits due to this problem". Huh? Where do you get that information from? It's not being used in Australia. Yet. If the first 2 posts to this story are any indication of a response to a good news/helpful story then I give up. Australia has had 2 covid deaths in 6 months. The USA has had ?. One country must be doing something right. The other is full of skeptics. I'm sorry I put this story up now. Good luck.
  11. Some news that I thought some may be interested in. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-02/ellume-awarded-contract-from-us-for-at-home-covid-tests/13111502
  12. I've seen some C class units with very poorly installed tow gear/hitches. I've also seen some C class units with long rear overhangs. Both situations may give you grief. Just saying!
  13. Kirk I guess in brown country the load would blend in! 😉
  14. There is so much stress in the world at the moment I thought this story may lighten your day. But as the title says - caution it's not a news story for everyone. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-10/worlds-longest-sewage-truck-trek-an-essential-service/12553868 So when you moan about your job think of this lady.
  15. Here ya go. Some free entertainment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NokwepgrlpM
  16. OK a reality check!! Here in Australia we have over 680 National Parks. With half of nothing funding. The USA has some of the best NPs to be found anywhere in the world. I would happily pay more fees/taxes to have 'only' 60+ National Parks. The CCC improved many parks just so folks can enjoy them today. Politics? Sure but what a great assets the USA have. Love them and forget what politics got them there.
  17. I posted the image to lighten up the subject. The truck would be over 200ft long. 4 trailers. Not something you would try parking in the local Walmart lot. Oh well. Have a nice Christmas and remember life goes on.
  18. Thought you folks in the states would like to see how the vaccine is being distributed in Australia. No puny little FedEx vans for us !!! Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a happier new year.
  19. Many hotel chains have long term rates for workers.
  20. Australia's flu cases this season have been mentioned above. For what it's worth Australia, in the period Jan to Jun 2020, there were 'just' 36 flu deaths. (Remember that's our fall winter period). The same period last year was 430 flu deaths. The 'theory' being that folks are taking a more cautious approach to hand washing, social distancing and the wearing of masks where close contact was unavoidable. It can therefor be argued that 394 lives have been saved by covid-19. (It would be interesting to do a similar calculation for the USA). The point is that commons sense actions by individuals can save lives. While Australia has 'only' had 908 covid deaths the precautions have saved 394 flu deaths. (Over 800 of Australia's covid deaths are from one avoidable breakout). That's a net increase in deaths for the year based on just covid and flu statistics. It's easy to blame politics, governments and authorities for the covid-19 worries. But Australia is a prime example of how individuals make the difference. (I must add that 'individuals' in some cases were steered by government regulations and laws. Something I can't imagine happening in the USA). Wash your hands. Keep your distance. And wear a mask when in close contact with others. FWIW Australia is all but back to 'normal'. Yes hard laws with state border closures have been a PITA. But look where we are now. Stay safe.
  21. Years ago I removed a swivel chair in our motorhome. Not as easy as it seemed. There were 4 bolts holding it down. Those bolts had been installed from underneath the floor. The heads of the bolts were then coverup up with the basement headliner. So those bolts stayed. The only way around the problem was to cut the bolts off at carpet level. Or ignore them and put the new furniture over them. We ignored them. And a caution. There's a reason things are bolted down. It's because they can tap you on the back of the head in an accident. (Motorhomes). Have you ever considered the loose items that can tapped you on the back of the head in the event of an accident? Like those fancy stone sink inserts. Just saying? Be aware of loose items.
  22. NamMedevac 70 I wasn't referring to you. Just making a general comment.
  23. I find it perplexing that someone would be worried about their safety on the side of a country road at night but wont wear a mask to protect their safety! I'm talking hear about riders and the tow truck drivers. It's a strange world we are now living in.
  24. JimK I hope your reply was a poor attempt at humour! Totally uncalled for. Even if you were serious then you should be made aware of the fact that cameras have things called lenses. Some of those lens can even photograph from a safe distance. Why do folks always try to pull down anyone trying to create something they haven't the energy to do themselves?
  25. There are lots of folks out there who were told they had a dumb idea. They ignored the naysayers and followed their hearts. Go for it. Remember the cemeteries are full of folks who are 'goingtooneday'. Just take the advice above and get an authorization from your subjects for the 'possible' use of their image. Do the numbers. There are 10's of thousands of RVers out there. If you can get just 0.001% you will have a lot of images. Good luck.
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