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Everything posted by RV_

  1. OK, I had a transfer flow 64 gallon diesel tank in the bed of my 1992 1 ton diesel dually Dodge Ram. We full timed 1997-2003. It was no higher than the truck bed sidea and we had a guage that showed our regular tankl and our trandsfer flow tank fill status too. Diesel weighs 7.1089 pounds per US Gallon. My 64 gallon tanks full added 454.9695 pounds to the load and since I was right at my limit before that , we only could carry it full when carrying no water but a gallon or two fresh to flush and drink. Weight is a serious issue. Having enough fuel between it and my then 30 gallon stock tank to travel into and out of California each year to visit my mom, without having to fuel in California which even then was outrageously priced made it worth empty water tanks.
  2. Hey guys, when I say MJ except when referring to the MJ fund I mean Marijuana. Tilray already peaked so I went with Autora which I think has used stocks in lieu of cash brilliantly to buy up companies that do what they don't as well as buying more plant production capacity. Aurora has more available capacity that any other including Tilray as far as I have read. I've made more than $6k profit with 1000 shares of NVBEV and 2000 shares of Aurora, in four days. Of course that won't happen long but it was a good call for the timing. Again I have no beef with ETFs look here: https://www.bing.com/search?q=MJ+fund+price&pc=MOZI&form=MOZLBR OK had I spent the same amount on Monday a week ago on the MJ ETF I linked to, I would have made only a couple pennies per share. At that price I would not have gotten many shares for the ~$17k I invested in the other two. But you know, what counts in a completely new market like this, with no track record and folks only gearing up for the volumes just now, and in the last year since the legalization became sure for Canada, is where we are in a year. My friend bought and sold in one day when I told him about NBEV. He made $6k on one stock in one day. Remember, I am the newby, and the least experienced in buying and selling individual stocks. I still barely understand and would never try a short position. The only put I ever made was with a golf ball the one time I tried golf - 1978 USAF Academy Silver course. Never played again. 😯 With Tesla sure, I followed them for 7 years before the IPO and had not invested more than some petty cash from my business I had for payroll and had $25k in that biz account when I left for retirement again despite the great money. MY savings and funds are never touched. I am in it for the fun. I am in the green so far. Pete, Yeah man!
  3. Aurora is going on NASDAQ ASAP. Again, the reason others held off from Aurora is the reason they will dominate IMO. They bought companies that did everything they did not. But their core biz of supplying the MJ (Marijuana not the company) plants, well, Aurora has more capacity to produce marijuana than the other two in the top three MJ companies. They are positioned for fast ramp to meet any demand. This is some serious upside potential if we read the emerging market even close to right.
  4. Ryno, I just posted here instead of PMing. Hope you don't mind. I have a local friend who bought just NBEV Tuesday and sold that today, making about twice what I did spread between it and Aurora. With legalization happening 17 October for all of Canada, things will be hectic for the next few months. Then when, not if, America follows suit, then all the tax revenues from non addicting marijuana sales both medical and recreational go to the treasury. As a result we all in the middle class pay more in taxes that could be sourced from taxing MJ products, saving the opioid costs of rehab from this point on, as well as reducing crime from druggies stealing to get money for pain killers, and drug territorial wars.
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/canada-marijuana-legal-october-17-2018/
  6. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3391816-new-age-beverages-plus-36-percent-coming-trading-halt
  7. Rich, I made about 300% on one, and about 30% on the other since I bought them Monday. Totaling ~ $6000.00. I bought NBEV at 2.72, but the damn overload of orders caused late transactions so by the time the next day that my post went through, that should have happened the day I ordered it, ended up costing $2.99! But All's well. I realized the pot opportunity almost too late, but gave it a full day's due diligence and found that ETF doesn't include Tilray, which is a mistake for a pot fund: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-20/bummer-for-canada-pot-etf-as-biggest-company-not-in-its-holdings The MTF uses US Banks which is a risk until the US gets smart and legalizes Cannabis in the US. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/marijuana-etf-shifts-custody-163000492.html Old fogies in the legislature and our population are ignorant of the capability of CBD to replace addictive pain killers like opioids, and could very well head off worse problems from the newly created middle class heroin addicts who went that route when they could not get their substance legally anymore. Big pharma, with docs taking their kickbacks, and lawmakers taking their campaign money, valued money more than ethical obligations. CBD does only pain, with no high. In addition it is not addictive. The US needs to put down their pills and legalize marijuana federally and nationwide. Then, like dry counties, that knowingly had their drinkers driving long distances to drink, and drove home drunk, those areas can keep their opioid epidemics and rise of heroin usage by previously upstanding citizens who in pain, got hooked from legal prescriptions. They can make them illegal in their jurisdictions if they want. I'm glad I refused them for my pain all my life because I knew their risk. Today I don't even drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but would prefer CBD to my current high dosage of 1000 mg daily of Naproxin Sodium, which thins my blood and causes bruising easily, could also cause much worse damage heart issues/brain bleeds than that baby aspirin a day. But I can't until I move to Colorado. I think eventually good sense will prevail. Big pharma lobbies to keep marijuana illegal. While shootings and drug wars escalate across our country. The dealers aren't immigrants and criminals. Their gangs are named Purdue Pharma Endo Health Solutions Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and subsidiary Cephalon Johnson & Johnson and subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals Allergan https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/31/530929307/ohio-sues-5-major-drug-companies-for-fueling-opioid-epidemic Back to MJ stocks. https://www.bing.com/search?q=nbev+stock+price&pc=MOZI&form=MOZLBR Trading was halted twice now once on each of my stocks. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3391816-new-age-beverages-plus-36-percent-coming-trading-halt Why? Because the demand crashed their OTC computer systems. Both are NASDAQ bound very soon. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/20/pot-company-aurora-cannabis-reportedly-planning-us-stock-listing-next-month.html This is just the beginning. Coming to a dispensary near you soon? I'm having a blast!
  8. Wow! If you' are looking for a sector to take advantage of next month's pot legalization in Canada, look at my two above. It appears the stocks I picked are taking off. Aurora is emerging as more capable than the hyped Tilray and Cronos. And this will be more fun than the early days in Tesla. New Age Beverages (NBEV) Excerpt: " If you like to play in the realm of high risk high reward, New Age Beverages (NBEV) offers just that. What initially caught my eye here was the 73% rise in the stock in just two days, occurring on Sept. 5th and 6th, rising from $1.50 to $2.60, pre-market trading included. At one point, upside volatility resulted in a brief halt at $2.08 before trading resumed. What suddenly excited investors was the slide below: " (See slide in link) The article examines the stock and with no bias looks at the perceived weaknesses and why they are more than poised - they already tested a CBD infused drink in Colorado! Details in the article: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4206706-small-beverage-company-might-finally-ready-pack-punch Amazing!
  9. OK, I was out of the market for just a month give or take and I am now in again so I am still in again. I posted about my dope investments in the last 24 hours here on our forums: These two "Dope" investments are $5k less than my Tesla first investment. I bought 2000 Shares of Aurora (ACBFF) which I made $1667 on overnight. I bought 1000 shares of NBEV on which I lost $180.45, and which Coca Cola is thinking about buying to produce beverages with the weed and CBD they buy from Aurora.
  10. More from today Tuesday the 18th of September 2018: The Companies That Could Benefit From An Aurora Cannabis-Coca-Cola Deal https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/18/09/12371259/the-companies-that-could-benefit-from-an-aurora-cannabis-coca-cola-d
  11. OK guys, I made one more buy this morning (Tuesday) before the markets closed. I bought 1000 shares of NBEV just before they went up again. Go here and scroll down to NBEV in the article: https://investorplace.com/2017/03/ipos-done-right-invh-laur-revg-hlne-jnce-nbev-iipr/ Now for another shocker - Trading was halted today on both Coke and Aurora until about noon central time! I participated in a discussion about it after a great article by Gary Bourgeault about Aurora and NBEV here: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4206883-real-significance-coke-aurora-cannabis-talks-infused-drinks Dope stocks are Dope! I made $1667.00 overnight on my 2000 shares of Aurora, and lost $180.45 on my 1000 shares of NBEV I bought this morning. Wow! Pot stocks are as much fun as Tesla was for eight years. Tesla is not going bankrupt and should be back on top by this time next year. I might even re-enter a position with them long again. Happy investing.
  12. Darryl, Hope so: I've good feelings about this one too and think they will be like the long shot that wins in the horse race. So I started with 2000 shares this time instead of 1000 like I did with Tesla. The starting gates and horses are moving to the gates which will open on the 1st I believe when it goes legal in Canada. They are only the second country to legalize MJ country wide, Uruguay was first, and are an economy that is bolstered by Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. We'll see. Are you guys in MJ yet?
  13. OK, In looking for the next big thing I passed over bitcoin because that is too high to get into now, despite my eye surgeon friend trying to cajole me into buying in two years ago. Remember that my investments are not my retirement. My retirement income and medical are all covered nicely by our military retirement. Of course that assumes I have no monthly property/house note/car notes/credit card debt. We are debt free and are about to buy a 1/4 to 1/2 million dollar house cash. Later a Tesla Model 3 cash, and a Subaru Forester cash. We are keeping the Diesel RAM 2500 long bed Cummins 5.9 quiet diesel until Tesla comes out with their light duty pickup truck. We still have all our USAA funds which have doubled in value over the last couple of years. So after digesting a lot of cannabinoid factoids, because I can't digest any cannabinoids here yet, I have come to the conclusion that $15k, invested long in a little known company outside of "dope" investor circles, Aurora ACBFF, is a "dope" deal! So I just bought 2000 shares@ $7.71. I see it as the perfect time to buy ACBFF as the share dilution is over I believe for now. What actually convinced me to move on it now was the announcement that Coca Cola is interested in making an marijuana CBD health beverage with Aurora. As well, Aurora essentially owns the market in Uruguay, the only other country to legalize pot both medical and recreational. The pot smoking in Canada begins 1 October, just a couple of weeks from now, and all kinds of dope investment deals are in the offing. Things are moving faster than even I expected so this is my first toe dip into MJ (Marijuana) investing. I am not presently, nor since I enlisted in 1971, ever been a user of any drug except caffeine, nicotine, ethanol, and the occasional prescribed medication. I did no opioids, nor any other psychoactive drugs, from 1971 on. However I spent my teen years until almost 19 in 1971 in the New York area and tried everything at least once, and MJ many times, and yes I did inhale. So I know the product and how it works. I will for sure be doing CBD for lumbar pain in edibles or pill form, but smoking is not in my future, nor heavy THC use, if any. Was all that Greek? Then you need to learn the terms, and what each cannabinoid does, and how each is used before attempting to invest. Here is a great Motley Fool article and video about what is happening now and who the players are today. I believe my choice of Aurora will yield similar results as Tesla did from 2010 when they went public, to this past month when I sold out near the peak before the buy opportunity Tesla is now as I needed cash to buy a house, and a lot left over for incidentals, which worked out perfectly. For those who need to save data the entire video is printed out below it, no need to watch if your data has limits: https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/09/13/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-weed-st.aspx What made me decide to make the trade today was an article saying not to invest in it, and the first comment under it. This article is saying not to invest in Aurora, as they have diluted investor shares by recent huge acquisitions. But I agree with the first comment under the article and think the Motley Fool was an uneducated in this sector writer that thought his ignorance wasn't showing. The article sounds just like the short articles in Seeking Alpha, who were intentionally misleading. Title: Opinion: Aurora Cannabis Is Blatantly Disregarding Shareholder Value With Its Acquisitions https://finance.yahoo.com/news/opinion-aurora-cannabis-blatantly-disregarding-122100283.html Despite that negative view of Aurora, I bought it precisely because of its acquisitions. I bought 2000 shares today. I had to buy as a limit stock but got it cheaper anyway which worked out nicely. There was a reader comment from "JB" under the negative article that I totally agreed with, even before I read it. Excerpt: " When traditional capital markets are not available and even if they are, like the stock market, I see no reason not to grow through stock issuance. Its less costly than stock market offering and by doing stock based acquisitions, the current management of the acquired has a vested interest in seeing the transition goes well. A couple of other thoughts on this. 1)the acquisitions give Aurora a highly diversified operation spanning leaf and oils, medical, and retail, infused beverages to come, and wholesale distribution in key markets worldwide. This should help guard against commoditization that is sure to come. 2)both tobacco and spirits will be playing in this sandbox. If were looking to take an investment in the companies out there, this would have to be very high on my list if not the top. Had they been a little farther along in their roll-up I have little doubt constellation would have chosen aurora. 3)infused beverages have the potential be as big as the entire medical and recreational markets. You dont have to look far to imagine this with Red Bull, Monster Energy and other top selling drink sales. of course they will have to play in this sand box as well. 4)debt financing has become available recently and could slow the dilution of using shares for acquisition. I expect more traditional debt financing to open up soon. I do have a small long position in ACBFF. This article simply ignores some of the key issues, and is a rather simplistic look at a rapidly unfolding industry. The biggest risks I see is management effectiveness. I know little about the managements backgrounds and experience at acquisitions and transitioning. to use a metaphor that has played out in the dot com/tech boom, technology is overestimated in the short term and underestimated in the long term. this has proven to be very accurate and I would say its in play in this nascent field. " Here is the Yahoo Finance page on it: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/acbff?ltr=1 There is even an ETF for dope investing: https://www.bing.com/search?q=MJ+stock+price&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=mj+stock+price&sc=8-14&sk=&cvid=913A9264FBAB44DF80C30EBF2F78AADF My crazy investment for this decade is a lithium mine. They got nothing, they are speculating, and could be my first direct investment in an individual stock loss. 1000 shares for $1240.00, so no big play. But Tesla was 1000 shares give or take through my long holding of it too. Here is the Yahoo Finance page on it: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BEAG?p=BEAG This is getting fun again! Safe travels! Safer investing! Disclaimer: The above post was written by "Maggie The Wonder Dog," who is solely responsible for its content. Don't tell the asylum I had access to the Internet and you saw me here.
  14. My younger brother never got the chance to collect any retirement despite living a much healthier lifestyle than mine. He died when when I was 58 and he was 56. He ran, did not smoke, did not drink much if at all. I drank, smoked until the month before he died, lived all over the world and roamed mountain trails around our home in the Andes at ages 5 & 6 without insect repellent. Had mosquito, wasp, spider, bee, tick, and chigger bites my whole life. We dove the Red Sea For a week off Hurghada Egypt, and visited the valley of the kings, when the State Department all but forbid travel there. We've hiked in Bear/Panther/Moose/Elk country. And much more. Only to be told by some that they were afraid to cross the border into Canada. Yet they go to festivals and sports events despite mass shootings that seem on the increase here in the US. It's now ten years later and I'm 66 and healthy. I'm not suggesting anyone take risks with their monies or health, but don't hold back from irrational fears, or the the ostracism of naysayers, if you can squeak by while realizing your dreams. Just do it! Or not. But be happy with whatever decisions you make.
  15. They can do whatever they want. The Ames labs in 1998/99 developed a working magnetic refrigerator, built a working model, then sold the patent to a company that was a shell company. Buried it. Some folks can now use that patent and once perfected at room temps, will cause A/C units to run on the electricity to run a fan, not a compressor.
  16. Rich, thanks! Good info on the dual layer solar project results. Sounds a done deal. I'm still researching. Ryno, Usually they sell.
  17. Looks like I need to dig in and see what's what. Buying before a takeover can be lucrative In the right circumstances. Thnx!
  18. Rich, We do too. Keurig at home and Lynn bought a single cup tiny one for our tiny fiver. The dripolators are/were for boondocking and blacktop boondocking. We haven't done generators for our RVing yet. But may yet. But we now have a house and RV. So electricity is never an issue these days. But when we only have a stove or campfire, we have our favorite dripolator.
  19. Don't over complicate. We searched for years to find an old dripolator like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg4ncWWqjno Or for just pics: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=dripolator+coffee+maker+stove+top&qpvt=dripolator+coffee+maker+stove+top&FORM=IGRE I now collect these and have about 8 of them on display over the kitchen cabinets. They are the original drip coffee makers on the stove top. We have a French Press but prefer the old aluminum stove top dripolators. I have been told they are rare because the WWII war effort needed all spare aluminum, and the modern housewife of the time wanted the latest appliance, the electric percolator! New ones are available in stainless steel in all sizes. Here are some for sale with prices: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=stove+top+drip+coffee+maker
  20. Yep, Once the US legalizes it federally, US marijuana stocks both medical and recreational will skyrocket IMHO. I opened my Tesla position with $25k in 2010 when it was bouncing between $17 and $22.50. In the intervening 8 year took my principal back when it went over $100 and retained 4/5ths of my shares. We then inherited some and sold out a few weeks ago at the high of $352. I may regret exiting very soon if Musk indeed does take it private. I did well. I see the weed stocks as a major explosive charge whose fuse has been lit in the US. Timing my entry into that arena is easier than timing the market. I just need to see who has done well despite banking restrictions in the past year and leading up to full legalization US wide. Marijuana is a fantastic opportunity that will explode here soon for those who are ready for it. The time to do our research is now. Just like I researched Musk and Tesla from 2003 until they finally IPO'd in 2010. I am not ready yet to commit to one company over another.
  21. I will. There are some penny stocks in it too that can be lucrative if they go up a penny. I am new to investing other than Tesla, and I already regret selling it almost at the high point for the quarter. But being greedy can cause a loss. I can tell you that back in the 60s, when we were smoking dope and hanging out on weekends in the Village, I never thought I'd ever see it legal here, let alone be researching investments in weed. I stopped using anything but alcohol when I joined the USAF to date, and don't think I'll be a smoker since I also quit smoking tobacco eight years ago! I was smoking three packs a day! I like the Canadian companies because they don't have contradictory federal and state laws nor banking restrictions like here because of that. But I will be in Colorado soon. Maybe I'll grow it too:
  22. OK now I am looking at Canadian cannabis companies because they are nationally legal and can bank unlike the freak show here in the US https://www.canopygrowth.com/ https://thecronosgroup.com/ https://www.tilray.com/ I am thinking that there will be some big winners. But no sure thing like Elon on my radar yet. Once moved I will be able to visit some US cannabis company farms.
  23. And doesn't a person's upbringing result in the disparities we see in haves and have nots. Zulu, you served two years, and made a choice to not make a career of the military. That was your choice. You obviously missed the point of the Limited Resource thinkers. You had your chance, so did most others of my generation.
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