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Under 65 PPO Michigan

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Well I checked out my new rate yesterday for my Blue Cross Michigan PPO and it is up significantly even with subsidy. I haven't figured percentage but suspect it is up about 35%. So, on the bright side Mich still has PPO but they are charging a lot for that option. On the other hand Priority Health has a POS plan with nationwide network that looks like it will work just fine so I may actually see a decrease. Still more things to check.

Dave and Lana Hasper

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Ouch for you, hope the other plan does check out and saves you some coin...


We should be getting our BCBS from NC Group Retirement Health Insurance info sometime next week. We're set for we hope a 20% increase, but recognize it could be worse, based upon other numbers we've seen for BCBS out of North Carolina being higher then 20%.


Really thinking of:


-Self insuring. (Which is basically what we've done since ACA kicked in, but also having the privilege of paying an additional $13K, then $15K and this year $18.5K for insurance on top of that:)!)


-Pay the penalty.


-If one of us needs some extended medical coverage over the year, we'll change domiciles and then sign up then for ACA, as they can't deny us now.


Another 14 or so months for me until 65. Then about 5 1/2 years more for the young one in our couple:)!


Really a mess, and really impacting more then just the Pre 65 retiree without other coverage gang. My mid 30's Daughter last year really came unglued, when she saw what her copay was going to be, for less coverage, last year... It was sobering for her, as she realized that 'This is not what they said it would be. It was supposed to go down for most of us, not up.'... She is learning how to watch DC a bit more carefully:)!


Best to you,


Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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Yea, there is a segment of the population that gets caught between type of plan needed, premium costs and subsidy available and if you fall on the wrong part of those sliding scales it hurts. I could get insured much cheaper if I could avoid the need for nationwide coverage due to fulltiming, and like you, I have considered alternatives to getting nationwide coverage, but for this year, hopefully new arrangement will work . Will take it a year at a time.

Dave and Lana Hasper

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