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Alaska campground office work


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Has anyone worked for Aramark that has the concession for Denali National Park campgrounds? Not interested in camp host, more the check in process. Or know of any other Alaska employers for guest registration type of work in campgrounds or travel reservations in back country?

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alyeskaresort.com has some concessions in a couple of places in Alaska. Not sure if its anything you would be interested in. I suspect a "google" search of Alaska back country would give you some ideas. The Denali area has a ton of other temporary job opportunities.


“…nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people.” – Mark Twain

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I drove motor coach from Anchorage for 7 years, DP was one of our stops that we overnight-ed in a travel trailer behind the McKinley Chalet Resort (had all hookups). My wife was the front desk manager at Denali River Cabins about 3 or 4 years ago. Since she was a manager, she got her own cabin. Most had to share rooms.


Most of the places up there have cabins/rooms for the help to stay in. Not sure of how many have hookups???


Here is a good site for checking out jobs. http://www.coolworks.com/alaska-jobs


Keep in mind, Denali isn't that good of a place to work, unless your an avid hiker. Us locals call it "Glitter Gulch". Now days they mine tourists instead of gold.;-) The main attraction for a lot of the employees are the bars. Not much going on after working hours. Most places up there don't have TV. It's 120 miles to Fairbanks to find stores for shopping/groceries. You will probably start out with a "reasonable" schedule for work, BUT as people quit after a few weeks and towards the end of the season when kids go back to school the businesses get real short handed and you may be expected to work longer hours. My wife got up to 80 hours some weeks.


If your working with a tour company you can usually get comped on activities there. That will help you keep sane.


Here are a couple private campgrounds you may want to look at:


Looks like the Grizzly Bear Campground now also runs Denali River Cabins (where my wife used to work), which is across the street from their campground. You should check them out.




This campground is in Healy, about 10 miles north of the park.




Another thing to think about is the local schools let people stay there in exchange for watching it while schools out.


Edit: My wife mentioned McKinley Village (owned by Aramark)has camping spaces behind it. www.denaliparkvillage.com/

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