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Timeshare anyone?


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I have a new found appreciation for the RV lifestyle after studying the timeshare option for a week. I confess to never having stayed in one. But I ran into an escapee (online) who uses them extensively, have a tax client who bought 2, and so I thought, check it out!

The more I researched, the more I realized that the RV was a good choice for ME. As you all already know, the RV takes me where ever I want to go. Big cities. Small towns. And everything in between.

For anyone interested, here is a link to the timeshare user group. They got a little mad at me when I pointed out some faults I saw in the timeshare phenomena, I'm sure they work well for some folks.

For those very limited occasions when I'm not using the RV for travel, hotels work just fine for me.

Maybe a good option for fulltimers who need a break from the RV or want to go exotic places only reachable by air. (Always buy on the secondary market).




I like my RV. :)

Edited by ToddF
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Timeshares work very well for those who will spend the time to figure out how they work, buys the one that works for them AND THEN USES IT. 

I was a happy timeshare owner for over 15 years, until I bought an RV. I was very tempted to keep it with the idea that I would go back to it once I was no longer able to manage an RV, and that I might use it occasionally.

I quickly discovered that RVing can’t easily be combined with timesharing and that I preferred RVing so much that I wasn’t using my timeshare at all so I sold it. If in 10 years I decide I’m ready to go back to it, I’ll buy another.

I’ve been looking at membership campground systems now that I’m trying to go full-time. There is a certain amount of similarity between them and timesharing. As far as I’m concerned though, they make figuring out timesharing simple.

It’s a matter of different strokes for different folks. 

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