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Dallas TX What Can You Tell Me About ...

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On 9/7/2018 at 12:30 AM, sandsys said:

I would start by finding our what Texas requires to make a vehicle into an RV. In Minnesota I'm not sure what applies to a trailer but for a motorhome the statute says: A motor home must contain permanently installed, independent, life-support systems that meet the American National Standards Institute standard number A119.2 for recreational vehicles and provide at least four of the following facilities, two of which must be from the systems listed in clauses (1), (5), and (6): (1) a cooking facility with liquid propane gas supply, (2) a refrigerator, (3) a self-contained toilet or a toilet connected to a plumbing system with a connection for external water disposal, (4) a heating or air conditioning system separate from the motor vehicle engine, (5) a potable water supply system including a sink with a faucet either self-contained or with connections for an external source, and (6) a separate 110-125 volts electrical power supply.


Here is the video link.

Christine - 7x16 Cargo to RV Trailer In Progress

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On 9/7/2018 at 7:52 AM, Kirk Wood said:

One other thing just occurred to me is that CO has become one of the more aggressive states about vehicles that are kept in the state having their license plates so changing before you actually leave could have some degree of risk. 

I won't change it until I get to Texas.  We bought it in April and depending upon the weather we might be able to get it to Texas just in time before we need to re-register it for 2019.  That would work.

Christine - 7x16 Cargo to RV Trailer In Progress

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On 9/13/2018 at 5:16 PM, Al F said:

Would you provide a link to your " Roadtrips AndCampfires ".  I did a search on YouTube and came up with several hits, but not much of it made sense as far as finding your video.

I have no experience with YouTube, other than going to links that people post.


I have 1 video of the trailer build up.  Will be putting the second one up soon and then hopefully the 3rd one a week after that as we hope to complete several other things now that all the walls are up (but not yet the ceiling).



Christine - 7x16 Cargo to RV Trailer In Progress

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Note that there are a ton of changes (including 3 different floors!) between video #1 and #3 of the build.  Once we have time we will be grouping all the build subjects together and showing what worked and what didn't.  We video'd during the entire process but have no time for editing a how to video until we are done with the build.  Also - some things we thought would be great later turned out there was a better way or product so we wanted to make sure to allow time to pass so we could provide more accurate info about how well something worke out.


Christine - 7x16 Cargo to RV Trailer In Progress

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