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Florida Domicile... Vehicle Registration Confusion

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Hello... I am in the planning stages of going full-time, probably this fall, and we have all but 100% settled on Florida as our domicile state (including on plans to use the Escapees services).  That said, I am finding the vehicle registration process confusing- we plan to travel to FL in the fall (staying on the far west edge) to establish ourselves including licensing and vehicle registration.  I see 2 forms that need to be completed as part of FL vehicle registration... 

1. VIN identification form (82042)- first, bit of confusion- do I need this for my 5th wheel or just my truck and motorcycle?  Second, any tips, tricks, or best practices for getting an official to do the VIN identification?

2. Application for certification of Title (82040)- same as above, does this need to be completed for my 5th wheel and other vehicles?  Does this also require an official to sign off on the VIN identification?

Is vehicle registration usually done in person after getting the new FL license or is it usually mailed in?

Sorry if I'm missing the obvious here... I reached out to the FL DMV but was told to call back later by an automated recording, and I realize I'm likely over complicating this and the RV community knows how this works.  Thanks in advance for your expertise!

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Back in 2016 when I changed domicile from Ohio to Florida I only had to have the VIN forms signed by the police. Call your local police and explain the forms to them. I flew to Florida, walked in to the Bushnell DMV and walked out with plates for ALL your vehicles. While your there walk across the street to the courthouse and file the domicile form. 


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When we set up our Florida domicile, we were staying at a state park in Panama City.  We established our domicile in Crestview (MyRVmail mail service is there).  While at Panama City, we called the county sheriff's office, and they sent a deputy out to our campsite to fill out the VIN form.  You can have a law enforcement officer from anywhere to fill out the form.  It doesn't have to be someone from Florida.  And you only need that form if you don't have your vehicles physically present at the tag office.  If you have your vehicles with you when you go there, the clerk will go out to your vehicles and record the relevant information when you get your tags.


The application for certification of title goes to your lienholder, so it doesn't need a law enforcement official to sign off.  Be sure and give your lienholder plenty of time to send the title to the Florida county clerk before you get there to get your tags and licenses.  We kept calling the county clerk's office to see if our title had arrived before we went there in person.

Mike and Retha Hopkins

2014 Fleetwood Discovery 40G

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Thank you chindog- your response is extremely helpful.  Since we are going to be staying at a park for a short time before moving back west, I didn't want to show up unprepared, and I appreciate your expertise.  

Out of curiosity (and since you clearly know what you are doing), any reason you didn't didn't go with the Escapee mail service in FL?



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The primary reason we didn't go with the Escapees mail service with the Bushnell address was because of the cost of health insurance, which varies by county.  A secondary reason was because of the dual address with Escapees.  With MyRVMail, your mailing address and domicile address are the same.

Mike and Retha Hopkins

2014 Fleetwood Discovery 40G

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/11/2018 at 7:45 PM, chindog said:

The primary reason we didn't go with the Escapees mail service with the Bushnell address was because of the cost of health insurance, which varies by county.  A secondary reason was because of the dual address with Escapees.  With MyRVMail, your mailing address and domicile address are the same.

I should have found out about this earlier before paying for the ESCAPEES mail service.  Oh well will deal.  Will need to find out the price of health insurance premiums by county for Blue Cross.  If the MyRVMail is a better county for insurance, it could pay for itself to change.


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1 minute ago, offroad said:

I should have found out about this earlier before paying for the ESCAPEES mail service.  Oh well will deal.  Will need to find out the price of health insurance premiums by county for Blue Cross.  If the MyRVMail is a better county for insurance, it could pay for itself to change.


While every person/couple will be different - I found all 3 major mail service counties to be very similar for us in premium/subsidy.  If I remember correctly- SBI was the most expensive (Clay), then Escapee's (Somter), and the lowest was MyRVMail... but we aren't talking large sums/differences.  There was not enough difference (in the 2018 prices at least) to make the decision alone.

As for the dual addresses, we were prepared to tolerate the slight inconvenience, but we are weighing all things.  I don't think you'll see any huge difference when combing the insurance premiums for health and property.

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right now still awaiting the welcome letter to the ESCAPEES MAIL service.  have an email with the Texas address, but nothing official with the Florida address.  Obviously need the Florida address for the DOMICILE and vehicle registration.  Am thinking they will mail me something, but after getting only an email with the Texas address, will need to double check them.  Their web site at ESCAPEES mentions two letters that will be sent. 

Melle12 - did you see the FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS form, and the DOMICILE DECLARATION form for Sumpter county?  am wondering if that is just extra forms that are not needed.  they are on the ESCAPEES web site, but no one mentions them.

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So just got a call from my bank (ALLY BANK).  They are saying the Florida address (aka Bushnell) flags as invalid.  Had to provide a relatives address as a back up address.  Lucky for me I had an address to use as that, but in another state.  Also had read that as a note that I might need to provide that secondary contact address, that this has happened with banks.


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