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Equifax says millions more Americans affected by hack than first thought


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We were in the first wave of Equifax victims and took immediate action getting our annual free reports from all three credit reporting agencies, going over them with a fine tooth comb, and freezing them. Most states have a law that makes any freezes and unfreezing of our credit reporting free for over a certain age folks, the age limit for each state can be found with a search. We froze our accounts for both me and my SH and have received no actions we needed to unfreeze them for.

If you are on the new list you may want to do the same:


"Equifax has confirmed more Americans are impacted by the cyberattack that targeted the credit rating giant last year than was first revealed.

The company said in a statement Thursday that an ongoing analysis showed 2.4 million more Americans had their names and partial drivers' license information stolen, but they were not previously thought to have been affected.

The company said the additional information was "partial," because in most cases the stolen data didn't include consumers' home addresses or other information on their drivers' licenses.

Hackers are said to have targeted social security numbers and names of consumers.

Equifax initially said 143 million consumers were affected by the data breach but later revised that figure to 145.5 million.

The total number of Americans affected now stands at about 147.9 million Americans, as well as some Canadian and British nationals.

Source with additional links to related info here: http://www.zdnet.com/article/equifax-confirms-more-americans-were-affected-by-hack-than-first-thought/?loc=newsletter_large_thumb_related&ftag=TREc64629f&bhid=19724681974700635514865380622813


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Retired AF 1971-1998

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