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Hensley Hitch Update to my Update of Last Year


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Hi All, Some of you will most likely remember the thread from last fall on our problem first with the Hensley hitch jaw not closing when we were ready to leave on a trip, which delayed us a day until we got help from Aaron at Hensley who said:  Hit it with a hammer, we'll warranty it.   So that was the temporary fix.    We were told to ship the head back to Hensley, and that is when the real fun began before the holidays getting wild prices from various carriers.   I know a lot of you jumped in here at this point to help.

Short Version: After the New Year, husband had dental surgery, whereupon his jaw broke - so all trips cancelled.  Jaw wired shut.  But I called Aaron and he offered to assist us, so gave him our credit card, printed out shipping labels, and we shipped commercial to commercial address.  If we had used a cardboard box to ship to and fro as they do, the cost would have been $75.  Husband made a very sturdy wooden box with a motorcycle bar holding it in place, so we opted to pay another $25 for the extra weight.   They blew some sort of hot foam in to mold it in place for the return, so arrived safely after one week from the Carolinas to Michigan and back.  We have new gold parts - the tongue is wider and not sloppy as the other was, the jaws are new and husband believes has a slight taper, there is a new gold pin, two new springs, and perhaps a few other items that look like perhaps a redesign.   So a big thanks to Aaron at Hensley and all our Escapee friends for caring.   Regards,  Mary

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