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Word of Wisdom from last weekend


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 Last weekend we took our conversion van to a country western festival in central Montana.

 Now to start with this is our time to this location for the show. So we get there and the pay to camp. They say go find a place. So we do. Now this is in the middle of a cow pasture.

 So we park, get out and in a few minutes we decide to move the cow patties that are in front of the side doors of the van. Set up camp so to cook and enjoy the weekend. We got there before dark but did not have time to get to that nights show. But could hear the band playing.

 So fast forward to first light in the am. Now I need to go to the boys room. So get dressed ( very quietly, sneak out of the van . Lock the van.


 Now on my way to the porta potties, while dodging cow patties and gopher holes. Remember I can just hardly make out the difference between what is not flat ground.

 So I put my hand in my pocket to check for my one van key in my pocket. This one key has a magnet on it as it is suppose to be hidden on the van, not in my pocket.

 So I pulled out a bottle opener from my pocket from the night before. This is while I am dogging the terrain and walking. I get the bottle opener out while in motion.


But after my hand gets out of my pocket there is a delayed sound. A real light noise. What was that.


 I reach back in my pocket and there is no key.         That sound?       What was that sound.


 Blank key with magnet stuck to the bottle opener,,,,,, but fell off onto the ground.


 This happened while I am dodging the things on the ground.


 Ok now the wife will be mad at me twice. Once for waking her up to let me in. The other for loosing the key.


 Stop, look backwards, was that two or three step back to that noise location. Backup and no glasses to really focuse on the ground.


 I could could say I am in a pickle with this situation, but this situation is different. No I am not standing in one.


 There is something on the ground that looks odd. Besides the plops and holes.


 Reach down and it's not the key I feel.    Can you believe it.???


 It's the magnet on the key. 


 You never what excitement you may find yourself in,,,,,,,, Vern


 the cow patties were dry .     But there were lots of them.

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Yes . That was the Red Ants Pants festival. In Wjite Sulphur Springs Montana.


Shooter Jennings was there Friday night, A Sleep at the wheel was there Saturday night and The Belemy bros. we're there Sunday night.


 On the way home I did some fishing in some mountain streams.


 Not a place to take a high end RV. But probably, 5000 people there.


 It was interesting,.  Vern

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