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Grandfathered Verizon UDP

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I still have, one of the old unlimited plans. I bought and did the AOL, when we thought that we would be going full time, but have since decided against that.

Verizon service, is almost non-existent, at our home and it doesn't make much sense, to pay for it year round when we only use it 4 to 7 months.

Are these plans, still transferable in any way? Or are people even still using them, with all of the new offerings and plans out there.


I posted this on another thread, then thought better of it, because I thought that I should start a new post. I couldn't delete the reply. Sorry.

Butch & Fonda Williams, MCI MC9

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You can stilll AOL these plans and they still are desirable as they are truly unlimited. However, there seems to be a bit more risk these days to actually go out and purchase one since Verizon seems to be actively targeting them, especially if you are not in contract. What plan is your UDP on and what are you currently paying for it? 

I'd have to read back through Technomadia's guide on the proper plan to be on when you want to AOL one of these from someone.

Are you looking to sell your UDP line? I might be interested depending on what you are wanting? I'm pretty well setup with ATT with the Homebase & Mobley and we have Verizon's unlimited on our phones plus I was going to just add a hot spot to our plan when we got on the road, but the grandfathered UDP is still attractive if we can make it work. 

Dan (Class of 2017) - 2012 Ram 3500 & 2005 Alpenlite Valhalla 29RK
Contact me at rvsolarconsulting.com or Two Wheel Ramblin

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