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Welcome to the Escapees Forum!!! A little more information would be helpful. Do you mean Smoky Mountain National Park or the Smoky Mountain Region in general? Or, Smokies BBQ? :lol: Where are you coming from and going/returning to? You mention RV Park, does that mean you want full hookups or are you willing to dry camp? What type of amenities/services constitute a great RV Park for you? If you are willing to dry camp, what type and size RV do you have?  Some of the campgrounds in the National Park are not suitable for larger RVs. If you have a MH or HDT, do you have a toad or smaller vehicle? What kind of activities are you interested in? There are outdoor activities and a wide variety of more touristy activities in the areas around the park.

Again, Welcome to the Escapees Forum!!! 

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