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Installing Crossfire system on an E-350 axle/wheel.

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I wanted to install the Crossfire system on my E-350 based Class-C, but could not match to the existing parts to the axle/wheel.

After talking with Dual Dynamics for 1/2 we resolved that it does not fit. 

By chance, has anyone had success with fitting it on the E-350 axle/wheel?

2009 Four Winds Chateau - 25' class C          2002 Chevy Tracker



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The issue was that the hole in the angle bar attachment was not big enough for the 1/2" bolts on the axle hub.  Like you indicate, the mount hole needed to be made bigger, which I had done by drilling the 3/8" hole to 1/2".  I will post pictures next week, after I mount them so others can see the modification and how the were mounted.

I would be interested in seeing how you mounted yours, but don't know how to PM on this forum.  Maybe you could submit the pictures on this thread so future readers could see how you mounted yours on a dodge 3500, which is most liekly differant than a ford e-350. 

Thanks for your response

2009 Four Winds Chateau - 25' class C          2002 Chevy Tracker



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