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Carbon monoxide detector keeps beeping

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We bought a new coleman toy hauler last year. We had it winterized by the dealer.  We stored our motor cycle in it for the winter.  Its plugged in to the house but the heat is not on.  The carbon monoxide detector keeps beeping. I took a house detector to see if it was actually carbon monoxide but it is not going off.  Its all new to us, so we don't know if it has anything to do with the winterizing or just a faulty detector. Any thoughts?

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First check is the Battery. If it is a small battery replace it. If the DC source is the RV Battery the charger may shut off.

Since it is a new TV the actual detector should be good for 5 years. There should be a date on the device.


Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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Most likely your RV's CO detector is one running from 12V-dc power and not an internal battery but the same thing applies. If the supply voltage is low the device will beep repeatedly. Check the voltage of your battery, if the voltage is 11V or more the detector is suspect. 

If your RV is on shore power and the voltage is low, take the battery out of the circuit and test again to see if the voltage then comes up as it should from the converter and if the beeping stops. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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We just had to replace a 7 year old (still according to manufacturer 3 years till expiry) CO2/Fire combo detector that speaks to you as well as beeps.    Check the dates on the new ones you replace with!!!    We picked up 7 to replace them all out at the same time, and out of those 7 some had an expiry date 3 years quicker than the others, so took them back and got them all with same year of manufacture (2016).

And yes, some of faulty at install, not many but some.

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