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Google urgently wants to test superfast wireless broadband in 24 US cities


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No I am not saying this will work for RVrs, yet. But it is being developed with a view to congested areas in cities as well as using small cells in rural applications.


For the Skeptics, look at how many cars are offering WiFi and online services from their cars. They use cell services too.


This is my first reading about this so perhaps others can post anything they have seen with the links too.




"Google has sought urgent approval from the FCC to begin testing wireless broadband equipment in 24 cities across the US.


Google is urgently preparing a new round of secretive tests of wireless broadband delivery in the US, where it's angling to sidestep incumbent telecom operators.


In a new filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Google has sought a special license to test wireless broadband technologies in the 3.5GHz band across 24 US locations for two years.


Google said the experiments would support the development of technologies for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), which operates in that band and will be used as a test bed for spectrum sharing.


Execs from Google Access, the unit responsible for Google Fiber, have been exploring fixed wireless broadband for low-density areas where costs prohibit laying fiber.


Google has requested the authorization be "granted expeditiously" for tests between 3.4GHz and 3.8GHz, the space that has been made available for small-cell spectrum sharing by CBRS devices.


It notes that existing licenses for ongoing tests in this band at several locations are set to expire in December. The 24 locations in the new application are spread across cities in California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia.


Google plans to test base stations as well as end-user devices with approved staff and contractors.


The Webpass technology is suited to high-density areas with an abundance of apartment blocks, whereas small cell networks in the 3.5GHz range could also be used to provide fixed wireless broadband in rural areas.


The original article with links is here: http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-urgently-wants-to-test-superfast-wireless-broadband-in-24-us-cities/?ftag=TRE17cfd61&bhid=19724681974700635514865380622813



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