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Allergy Shots - Venom

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I will be full time RV-ing and traveling beginning October 2016. I am currently seeing an allergist in Virginia for a severe allergy to bee stings, and am finally at maintenance level requiring shots every 6 weeks. Does anyone have experience with venom immunotherapy while on the road?

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I too have allergy problems. I must use a liquid version of the shots because we travel so much. My doctor says it is against the law for him to give me the shot version for self injection. I just put a drop under my tongue. He also offered to ship a vial of the liquid to a doctor where ever we are and arrange for that doctor to do the injection. We didn't like that because it would require us to be at a certain place at a certain time which is not the way we like to travel.

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  • 1 month later...

My allergist has agreed to supply me with the 5 venoms I'll need. Now I'll only have to find allergists along our route who will agree to administer the shots and monitor for a reaction. Yay! That's a load off! Wondering how much they'll cost. A small fortune.

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