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You got two of them in the counter-top post above right but it looks like you stuffed one of the image links into the middle of another link.

Add a couple returns between pictures to make them easier to see if you want one following the other or use several periods to space them across the page, not jammed together. Down is better in most cases as it works well for all screen sizes while across fails if the screen is narrow and things start to get wrapped to new lines by the browser.




Periods: (or dashes as separators - just not spaces as the forum ignores multiple spaces)




This is what you actually posted above (use the text/formatted toggle switch icon in the tool bar to see it yourself when posting) and you can see that you posted a couple different types of link: Web page, ending in .html and Image, ending in .jpg. You can also see the mangled one that left the HTML looking text scattered across the post. Really hard to see all jammed together like this so I'll also break it into sections below.


With a few returns to make it more readable and a couple added notes for each section:

Web page link


Image link


Mangled HTML


Image link


More mangled HTML


First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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The hand post had this in it:

Opened up you can see that you posted three URL links to your photobucket page, not the images there.



What you really wanted was three image links, note they don't have URL code and end in .jpg, not .html








First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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Bad news Stan but I tried for hrs using your method, it worked once then never again.


Here is the step by step using the method that got these here. Give it a try.


  • Left click on Photoshop tab In "Favorites bar" at top
  • This brings up a page saying "Recent Uploads". A whole lot of pages going on for several pages.
  • Click on "Library" Left of three boxes directly above pics on my computer. Boxes left to right are Library, in a white box, Upload in white box and Print Shop which is dark blue.
  • Find pic, left click on it to bring it up on a bigger page.
  • Go to top rt of the pic, see 5 faint boxes inside the picture border.
  • Left click on the middle on with the paintbrush.
  • This brings up another page with icons across the top of the picture.
  • Left click to 4th from the right "Resize".
  • This brings up the pic of the back of my truck with 2 boxes above the pic. The left one below the small radiator is shaded with "4128" in it. Put another size in it then left click. I put in 500. It automatically selects a size for the rt box. In this case, 281. Then left click shaded box top right that says "Apply"
  • That brings up another page. Left click shaded box at top rt that says "Save"
  • That changes the page, the pic goes shaded and a white rectangular box shows up with a blue horizontal barber pole turning while the computer is in "Think Mode". For my computer, this can take a while, minutes.
  • That brings up another page with a big shaded box with the dreaded "Chevrons on either side and the reduced picture in the middle.
  • Go to the right outside the shaded box. Under the "SHARE THIS PHOTO", There are 4 boxes, 1 below the other, left click on the bottom one. "IMG"
  • That box will turn YELLOW and say "Copied"
  • Go to post on Forum. In this case it was in the test topic.
  • Left click on "Post"
  • Left click where the body of the text goes. 2 lines of text show up. First line starts with (URL) and second line finishes with (URL)

Below is what I bring up. How's that work for you. if it's OK then after the drugs wear off, I'll deal with the rest of locating pictures in the post.

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See my comment below the quote.



  • That brings up another page with a big shaded box with the dreaded "Chevrons on either side and the reduced picture in the middle.
  • Go to the right outside the shaded box. Under the "SHARE THIS PHOTO", There are 4 boxes, 1 below the other, left click on the bottom one. "IMG"
  • That box will turn YELLOW and say "Copied"
  • Go to post on Forum. In this case it was in the test topic.
  • Left click on "Post"
  • Left click where the body of the text goes. 2 lines of text show up. First line starts with (URL) and second line finishes with (URL)



As I keep saying photobucket does not work well with IP Board and what I copied from your post above WILL NOT WORK HERE.


I have no idea how to make that clearer.


If you won't follow the simple instructions I keep sending there is nothing more I can do to help.



Photobucket forum use:
1. Open photobucket and select picture.
2. Right-click the image and open in new tab.
3. Copy the URL on the new tab from the beginning to the .jpg near or at the end.
4. On the forum click the little tree icon, image tool-tip and paste the URL in the pop-up.
Clicking boxes and copying stuff from them may well work elsewhere but unless you are willing to drive to the IP Board offices and beat them with a tire iron until they fix the IP Board software, ship a fixed copy to Escapees and then wait until the Escapees staff have time to do the upgrade to make the photobucket stuff work here I see no other possibilities unless you can get photobucket to change their stuff.

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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This one is good, the link starts with http and ends with .jpg and the forum posted it as an image, not a link to photobucket's page.



I put my notes in the code box here so the forum wouldn't reformat them as they contain IP Board tags:

The leading [img= was added by the image tool (the little tree icon) 
when you posted the link into the pop-up it opened, 
it also added the trailing ] to complete the image tag.


First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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