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The devil is in the details... Copy protection and HDMI Splitters

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This could be old news to many of you vets. But while on a trip, I've been sorting out some problems with new Samsung TV, DirecTV Genie HR44, and Oppo BluRay.


My main problem has been what we call the daily lotto on if the TV and Gennie will talk with each other. Sometimes they awake and work together as they should, when powered on. Other times, I can spend a few minutes, up to 30+ mins, trying to get them to work with each other. (The TV keeps say check your HDMI hookups, and then press STB when all is OK.)


Different message when trying to do the Oppo BluRay, but basically the same thing, where the Samsung is not seeing the signal.


Samsung is all current on Software upgrades, and I've checked a few forums (Like AVS.) and no current problems with the latest release.


I did add an Iogear 2D/3D Four into One bridge in the mix. Chose a bit more sophisticated HDMI Bridge (Bridge is my choice, it's four insures, with one output to the TV), as it had a remote control, and I felt it would be easier for my wife.


From what I can tell, the Genie HR44 and Oppo BDP93 are questioning this device, and the Copyright concerns will shut off the signal. Thus to the TV, nothing, and the dance starts until I can trick it to stay on. This is HD format stuff that seems to get tripped up the most. Sometimes just changing the channel on the Genie will evoke the problem, if it is going to a HD Channel. Same thing when playing DVR recordings, once I get the Genie HR44 talking the TV, I can play recorded standard def without any problems. But HD recorded item will shut down.


So, when we get back home from this trip. I'll take things back a part, and run dedicated HDMI from both the Genie and the Oppo and just use the Samsung as the switcher. I feed Genie to our Marantz AVR with Coax, and the Opp BDB via TOS, so will get DD Sound when wanted. As the TV has four HDMI inputs, I'll hook my ROKU up to the third port. I'll add a fourth cable and leave it in the audio cabinet, for times that I want to hook up a temporary device, like a laptop.


Again, this maybe olds news to many on this board, but caught me surprise, and has been (and will be for a bit longer) a real PITA!


To make it more fun, I've also been trying to sort out why the Genie remote, when sometimes selecting channel or even just hitting the Select button, will also sometimes power of the Samsung. I had it programmed to Samsung, but went back to Factory Reset on the Remote, and it still will sometimes shut off the TV... But, that is a future research item to worry about:)!


Best to all,


Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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