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Auto transfer switch problem


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A customer called me about no power to the coach.

The night before he lost power. He noticed his 30amp to 50 amp adapter was burnt off on the hot post where it plugs into the shore post. he put another adapter on and when he tried to plug it in it really sparked and burnt that positive post also.

looking at the wiring at the auto transfer switch the ground wire on the income shore cable was burnt back about 2 inches. At first I thought it was burnt into the one hot wire as it was touching the insulation on the hot wire but it just melted the insulation a little but no contact as for a dead short. I think the burnt insulation is from loose terminal but not the real problem.

After test the incoming power cord and all looked good to the coach I direct wired the shore line to the coach load line and he has power. A new transfer switch in ordered.

When I was disconnecting the auto transfer switch with no power to it the points on the relay switch moved by itself.

There are no signs that this thing burnt internally but it is still in his coach, for now.

He is in the hospital for a few days for an operation so we decided to do the repair when he feels better.

I am thinking the auto relay may have made contact with the generator side of things and did something to the generator.

Just curious as if anyone has seen it do anything to a generator before.




Safe Travels, Vern

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