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Everything posted by Wanderin

  1. So, how come you headed south instead of north??? Paul? Nancy's married to Dave. Did she have someone else with her? Or?
  2. IYQ --- "....and early tomorrow I'll be on the move again driving like Jeri and Terry doing 300 mile days." I'll have you know the last couple of moves we've made haven't even been over 20 miles. So, I don't know what you're talking about. We're pretty stuck around here until Terry gets through with his cancer doctor. Why can't they schedule all the appointments on the same day or at least in the same week? He has his first colonoscopy tomorrow since his surgery, his CAT next week, the cancer doctor again the following week and then, the week after that is the Lab. What a zoo!! We got our boat top put on today. It sure turned out even better than we thought it would. We can hardly wait to get down to the coast and steal some of those crabs before they make their way up to Spiker's place. I tried to post a picture of it here but this new little setup didn't pull the image in ... hmmm. Anyway, I put it on our blog.
  3. Well, You could save a bunch of money by just shipping that halibut and salmon to us and not buy that propane freezer. You can certainly count on us to save it for you until you got down here. We finally broke down and moved into the Kelso Elks. We are back in 3G internet territory and will be here for a week. Then? We don't know for sure.
  4. Actually, don't you really think you could embellish that 19 to 21? At least you'd be legal then. Of course, not so sure what your girls might say to find out their mother is a tad bit younger than they are. But, hey, that's their problem and not yours.
  5. We're sitting on the edge of the water and watching all the ships go by. It's beautiful, weather is gorgeous but internet "sucks"!! We may move into town and we may not. You can certainly tell the weekend is coming. Almost all the sites on the edge of the river are full. It was almost empty when we moved in.
  6. Happy Birthday to Marsha. And, happy anniversary to Paul and Marsha. We have terrible, terrible internet now that we're sitting in front of the river. Last year it wasn't like this but we are certainly struggling with it. As much as we'd like to stay here another week, I'm not sure we'll make it. Glad to have you back on board, IYQ!
  7. Thanks for the update!! I just figured if he didn't have internet, he wouldn't have phone. He's just having too much fun and we're all worrying about him for nothing. We're on the move today. It's a long day ... about 20 miles ... but I think we'll manage.
  8. I don't think Mother Nature has been overly kind to many areas this spring. All over the country it seems there are unusually high winds, numerous tornadoes and torrential rain!! When is it going to letup? Lavins - I hope you don't float away. That doesn't sound like much fun taking care of all that mess. Hasn't it almost been two weeks since IYQ posted? We always worry about him when we don't hear from him. If his internet isn't working, neither is his phone.
  9. It's always nice to look forward to a little change of scenery. However, just going for an oil change doesn't offer much of a view. We all have to do what we have to do! Congratulations on the darling new addition to Toni and Doug. We only have four and will only have four. How do you handle Christmas and birthdays with so many grandkids??? We still haven't heard from IYQ. Normally he gives us a heads up. Where is he??
  10. We always worry about him when he uses that cream. Someone needs to take it away from him!
  11. IYQ has gone missing again. I wonder if he's been using that vanishing cream again. We haven't heard from him in quite a few days. I don't think he was in tornado territory.
  12. I forgot you folks were there too. I only worried for two and not four!! At least you're all safe and that's what counts.
  13. Steve & Carol -- Run and hide NOW. I just read the weather report for your area and it's not nice!
  14. This is how, Paul or Marsha! We're in Bremerton tonight and tomorrow plan on taking the ferry over to Seattle. I want to go to Pike's Market and be tempted by all that wonderful seafood. Even though we're only here for the night, I had to move my map marker. It had been stuck in the same place for a whole month. It was time to make sure the wheels weren't flat on it too!!
  15. Toni and I have been emailing back and forth and a funny thing happened. She even mentioned YOU! Toni was thinking more likely the end of June. Let me know your schedule. We seem to have a lot more going on than what we thought we would this summer. Why is it always like that? We have Justin's graduation and one doctor appointment each week in June (4 of them) so we're kind of tied down ... a little bit. We're free in between those days but that's only a maybe. However, June may be better than July or August but we don't know. Our daughter who lives in New Jersey, just accepted another position with her company and will be relocating to the Vancouver-Portland area (Yippee, Whoppee, Yahoo). She's taking a big cut in pay to get back over to the West coast. We're not sure how that's going to play out and if we'll be going back there to help or what. If they offer her the cash to move herself instead of a moving van, she'll take the money and we'll move her. The effective date of the transfer is June 13th but doubt she'll move that soon. In other words, we have no clue what's going to happen. Lee and Loralie are in the area too. It'd really be nice if we could all get together while they are around.
  16. hahaha Come on down but you don't have to work.
  17. We have AT&T and have rarely had problems anyplace we've been. However, if we did, we'd still keep AT&T and just have two like the Sands. Our kids and their families have AT&T and one of my brothers has AT&T so we have the family plan and minutes don't count between us. That is also the only provider that works where we have our cabin. Another gorgeous day in the beautiful Pacific NW. Yesterday we visited Mt. St. Helens and today we headed south and drove along the Columbia River. We also made a trip to the cabin and just stood there and looked at all the work we needed to do. Then, we drove off. Someone's got to do but it certainly wasn't going to be us on this trip. The weather isn't supposed to be as nice tomorrow but since the world is supposed to end, it shouldn't matter. I'm just wondering if anyone with a brand new (and paid for) Prevost figures they won't need it after Saturday's big event so would be willing to unload it before 6:00 PM for a couple hundred bucks.
  18. Sounds like the reputation for Friday the 13th may be soured a tad. That's not bad luck to have someone help you out of a big hole! Our New Jersey daughter called today. She said it was Friday the 13th and had real bad news. The news ... her family is moving to Portland! That's bad news? Terry finally made it out of DFW after his night sleeping at the airport. Blogger is finally up (kind of) but I'm so far behind reading that I'll never catch up. Maybe I'll just start with tomorrow. Don't know what we're going to do with "brother" and his assisted living issues. Geez .. things have been busy. I still can't post comments to posts with Firefox that have embedded comments ... i.e. Sue's.
  19. But then, they wouldn't be a secret anymore. Soos - Congratulations on the new house. I guess this means you like your new life on wheels!!
  20. Well, I'm just about ready to renew my fishing license too. It's almost time. I had such good luck last year with the salmon catching that I thought I'd try again!! We have the Winegard Traveler with Dish and LOVE it. Our Kingdome didn't work right. I guess it just wasn't compatible with the new dual DVRs. We record lots of shows for later watching and are Judy Judy fans too ... well, along with a few other ones.
  21. Actually, it's been nice for a few days. We had a little sprinkling yesterday morning but eventually the sun came out. I just wish it would warm up a bit because the propane is getting low. Sending a PM
  22. Weather was gorgeous over the weekend but think the forecast is for a few drippy days. At least no winds, tornadoes or snow. Terry's off to Phoenix tomorrow for another appointment there. However, he's looking forward to it this time since our daughter has a business trip scheduled there at the same. He's going to stay in Scottsdale with her. Their flights arrive within about an hour of each other. We're off to get another baseplate installed today. Ordered a new canvas top for the boat and hoping eventually we'll be able to put it in the water. With two new motors on it last year, we certainly hope so.
  24. When I heard about the storms in Virginia, I had to check out your location. I was relieved to see that you weren't there! I'm glad you're in New York and safe. Stay that way!
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