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Everything posted by Wanderin

  1. You're right. Some people are just plain dangerous and shouldn't be on the road. She obviously had no idea how close she came to getting hit. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for you, IYQ. Toni - Let us know your schedule. We might be able to make one of the next months into a 40-day month and try to visit. So far, family seems to have the first 30 days of each month already spoken for!! Well, you know I'm embellishing a bit. We spent most of the day at the beach listening to the sound of the waves. You know those waves are really, really loud. It was so gorgeous and with all the holiday people gone we had most of the morning on the beach with just us. It was nice. Tomorrow we're heading into Portland. Next week we pick up the boat and Jordan for a week (perhaps) and Justin for about two weeks. Don't know what we'd do if we weren't so busy.
  2. It's a holiday so we thought we'd take the day off. This little beachie town is packed with people and we don't want to tangle with them. We'll only be here at the coast a few more days. The summer is flying by so fast and we have a lot of other things on our agenda. I just looked at my trusty little weatherman I keep in my phone and he says gorgeous sunny days with no rain for the next 6 days. We know he's always right.
  3. It just seems that the state parks are so much more expensive than most of the private parks. Outsourcing would certainly bring the price down and keep the parks open. At least that's my opinion even though it's not worth much. We've often thought if they lowered the price a tad too that the parks would be overflowing. It's kind of like the rides at a circus. The prices are so high to ride that they are usually empty. You know I don't have a clue about "jello". Everything we do is written in stone (or was that chalk?) !! :D "As you head west"? I'm beginning to think we'll be south by the time you arrive west.
  4. It's too bad they can't "outsource" those parks to private industry. The rates would go down and the parks would stay open ... perhaps. Absolutely a gorgeous day at the beach today. The problem is it's going to be overrun with weekenders celebrating the holiday.
  5. So, when are you going to be in Washington in your other relative's front yard. And, where else are you heading in that area? Kinda the same question to you. When and where are you going to be in Washington / Oregon? We haven't decided whether we'll be around or not but thought I'd ask.
  6. HAHAHA ... today is the first day of crab season. And, there you were already out celebrating. (It's crab season, Joe, not crap season.) :D You're pretty safe since we probably won't be out crabbing for another week or so but then, look out!
  7. Are you kidding? Joe didn't show us squat! He hid the crab and doesn't fish. Or, he was just spoofing us. However, he certainly has quite a supply of cranberry juice!
  8. Hmm Hmmm Within 30 days? What in case you can't find us? We probably will scrap those reservations I sent you because the latter part of the month was based on our son spending some of his vacation at the coast with us. However, now that he's having surgery and can't drive to the coast, that won't happen. We will probably run back and pick up the boat next week. We had the new top put on but once we did, then we realized we also wanted the back cover done too. It's supposed to be finished this week. Let us know when you get close .............. :D
  9. We're looking to replace our Wilson amplifier. It's not that it doesn't work great. It does a fantastic job. However, I think we want to go wireless where the amplifier will work on more than one item at a time. Currently we have to connect it with the cable to one aircard. I'm thinking a wireless one would work for the 2 aircards and 2 cellphones. There are several different kinds so want to find something that will actually work as good as the present one we have only on all units. Anyone have a wireless amplifier that works for all cell signals?
  10. Well, we're in the perfect spot at Seaside. However, our son spent last night at the emergency room. Evidently he ruptured the tendon that connects the heel to the calf of his leg while playing volleyball. Ouch! Now we're trying to decide whether we should just head inland and hang it up for the coast this year. We'll probably make a trip to Portland today and then a decision about moving ourselves after he talks to the surgeon. I guess I don't need to say what a fun time we've had this year with all the doctors and such.
  11. Oh no ... you definitely want the warranty to take care of the bill! Who said this lifestyle is cheap? I think it tends to be pretty expensive. Lots of luck with the repairs. We've had more than our share of sitting still. Well, we woke up this morning and tried to decide whether to pay another night at the Elks in Sequim or hit the road. After we checked on availability, we lost no time getting on the road. We're now at Seaside, Oregon Thousand Trails and will be for two weeks. We had reservations over the 4th weekend but figured if we got in early we might get a great site. And, we did. We got one that Spiker recommended. We're right across from the pool and hot tub so I can say things are good. However, the 209 miles here were a long 209 miles especially since the roads were windy and the traffic slow. I promised Terry that tomorrow we would do nothing, NOTHING. I hope I can keep my promise.
  12. We had a wonderful day! The weather was gorgeous and the companionship fantastic. We absolutely loved Joe's homebase. He's right. We sat on his deck which has a view of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and chatted about everyone else. I have pictures of it and will post on blog in a few days. I'm so far behind right now. I have stuff on our "neighbors" Lee and Loralie and also Joe. I'm just too zonked to do it. And, I have about 4,000 photos to sort first. Well, maybe not quite that many. :D And, look who's talking. Joe asked if you were heading this way. You should see the supply of wine he's making for you. I have pictures!! We may move tomorrow or we may not. I guess we'll make that decision in the morning whether to pay for another night or not.
  13. And, it'll be finished WHEN? I think you need to start it about 6:00 AM. PS We're going to swing by those parks we talked about before we head your way. Actually we're stalling for the salmon to get done.
  14. We'll be there when the salmon finishes getting smoked. :D
  15. We pulled into Sequim yesterday which is almost at the northwest tip of Washington State. We're also right down the road from Lee and Loralie. We stopped and visited with them last night. This morning we're meeting at the Farmer's Market then we're off to Ediz Hook and some old stomping grounds. Look out, Spiker, we already have ferry reservations to sneak up on you tomorrow!
  16. I can certainly tell you we've been out of practice with moving over 20 miles. We have to relearn how to do it. It took us 235 miles to move 106 miles north. I figure we must have done something wrong. Hopefully, when we move again on Friday we can do it a little differently. However, we can't work on it yet because we don't know where we're going. Spiker .... where are you?
  17. We would send you some but, alas, no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days!! Yippee!! Yahoo!! Woot! Woot!
  18. I certainly wouldn't brag about temperatures in the 50's and 60's unless the rest of you are in the 100's. Then, I most certainly would. However, 70 here with a little humidity is nice. At least no air conditioner and no heater.
  19. Joe - Definitely agree with you. The weather has been FABULOUS. It actually hit 70 here!! It's supposed to drip a tad tomorrow but then next week will be in mid-70's. Hopefully we're heading north next week. Keep the sun shining.
  20. Sandie - So, now you won't be quite as depressed since you have internet. Marsha - You REALLY want your kids to be 13 again? Absolutely, no way for me. That boyfriend / girlfriend stuff really got on my nerves with my kids. And, then, you'd still be stuck at home, working and no big wheels. Well, we've hung around this week since Terry had a CAT scan scheduled for today. We got over to Portland and they rescheduled it!!! So, we'll do this again next week. We're meeting Lee and Loralie for lunch tomorrow, Tammi is in town Thursday and Friday and then, Father's Day on Sunday. We'd really, really like to get on the road. Congrats, IYQ, on becoming a South Dakota resident!
  21. I didn't realize you had Millenicom too. What plan did you get?
  22. We just followed in Coldsmoke's footsteps and ordered Millenicom internet. Now we'll have access to two separate cell towers. We have certainly discovered that some places AT&T is not available and other places Verizon is not available. Millenicom offers you either the Sprint network or the Verizon network depending on what works best for you. AT&T came out with new plans last week so we'll probably adjust down our current plan since Millenicom has a 20 gb limit. We'll see how it works. If it doesn't, we'll blame Coldsmoke. :D
  23. Well, well, our first graduation event was last night. Tomorrow we had plans on moving to the coast. I changed those plans this morning when I found out daughter dear will be in Portland next week. So, out comes the chalk eraser again. Now we need to find another place to stay around here for yet another week! The Elks will kick us out tomorrow since they only allow folks to stay 7 days. I'm so ready to move. Couldn't she have come last week? We've been here so long we might as well just take the wheels off! whine ... whine .... anyone have cheese?
  24. But, the weather forecast is for many gorgeous days here! Actually, the weather hasn't been bad and is even looking up. I feel like we have a chain on us. I want to take off and go, go, go but we can't. All I can do is look at the map and wish. Tonight we start our graduation events with the scholarship awards. My camera is ready and batteries are charged. Tomorrow is the official graduation. We still aren't free to leave yet. Tuesday is another doctor's appointment for Terry in Portland, Sunday is Father's Day and the following week is another doctor's appointment. The grass is going to be so deep around our wheels we'll never get out. We can only stay at this Elks lodge until Saturday. Even if the park is empty, you have to pull out after seven days. So, it'll be a short drive to another lodge for a few more nights.
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