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Posts posted by Wanderin

  1. If it were in February I know I'd be there but January is too early to leave the comfort of being below sea level. And I'd have to go an extra 320 miles to go then come back here only to leave again the next month. .... That's the second body they've found in that pool since I've been coming to the Slabs. I wonder if he answered that spaghetti question wrong and got Jeri angry with him.

    320 miles? Now if you went via Brawley and around, you could cut that 320 to 130 miles one week and 130 miles two weeks later. However, I have no clue what that road is like.


    Two dead bodies? You better worry about making someone at the slabs mad and not me! I'd begin to wonder what was going on if they started using crime tape. You know it's not just a heart attack from staying in there too long. :unsure:


    Vol Fans -- We're still kind of in Gold Canyon except that where we are is about 7 miles east of town -- not much of a town though. AJ is the closest and that's about 17 miles or so. Gold Canyon is SO FAR from every place. I think we're still searching for the ideal winter hangout. Don't know where that is. :)

  2. my new colors will be a pirate flag if i can find one,, arghhhhhh matey


    arriving in panama city fl for a few days. then heading into texas, houston area for a few days then vegas on 1 dec..


    hey isnt thanksgiving this month ?? crap now i gotta find a road killed bird for dinner... darn my luck, last one i picked up went to clean him and the little monster ran away !!!


    mike and deb

    We bought a pirate flag today. They have a bunch of them at "Q" so you'll be in luck.

  3. Our colors = our multi colored leis? (Wow I just spelled in American twice. Yikes!)

    Yes! Get out your leis and put them on your mirror, add tons of balloons and other stuff you've picked up. We definintely want to be the best trailer trash group there!


    So far from our group this is what we have planning on attending. However, you know how our plans go. We're not real good at it.


    Dave and Millie

    Jeri & Terry

    Sandie & Jim

    Toni & Doug

    Steve & Carol

    Paul & Sue

    Mike & Deb

    Paul & Marti (honorary)

    IYQ -- maybe (what??)

    John & Judy -- (new to group)


    Joe & Bandit

    Freddy & Delcie


    Who am I missing? :huh:


    There are also several 2010'ers and quite a few 2007'ers. This is going to be the biggest get together ever! fun, fun, fun

  4. Here is the information for the "all class get together" and we can merge our class into it. More people to meet and more to eat!




    The Date: Sunday 1/15/2012 thru Friday 1/20/2012 (come early if you want and certainly stay longer if it suits you.)


    The Place Quartzsite Arizona in the LaPosa South Area. ( The actual spot will be chosen and posted the first week of January when the Fleegers and a few others arrive to scout it out. There will be signs and GPS co- ordinates posted at that time. )


    Most have indicated that they are interested in a laid back atmosphere to relax and visit. In light of this we are planning only a few social things.


    Food: Since none of us have ever gone hungry (even Ron Fleeger & Bob Pinner) when this class gathers and someone always enjoys coming up with an idea of their own, we are at this point planning 3 food events.

    If anyone has an idea and wishes to add to this please feel free to do so. Just give me a shout so I can add it in. Just remember to bring some extra food stuffs with you for those impromtu meal gatherings.

    As always bring your chair and your beverage of choice.


    Sunday evening 1/15:. Bring a heavy Hor d'oeuvre to share.

    Meet around the campfire early to reunite with friends of old and meet a few new ones.

    Tuesday 1/17: Potluck...we never organize it and all the right stuff shows up anyway. ( Don't worry about

    having to much Ron will be hungry again before the camp fire goes out!!!)

    Friday 1/20. Chili Supper : Would be fun to do dutch ovens but if not then we will do it in pots... either way there will be one vegan and one regular. Let me know if you will want Vegan so that we have enough of it made. Volunteers to make cornbread will be welcomed.

    FEE: TBA soon. There will be a fee per person to cover the cost of firewood and other incidentals. Any left over funds will be included in the donation to CARE from the auction proceeds.



    Auction for Care: I would like to have an auction for our donation to CARE. The proceeds from the auction will be sent to CARE from the "class of 2007" If you would be interested in donating

    an item let me know. ( Maybe you have a relationship with a merchant who would be willing to

    donate an item)


  5. I have read little smidgens (is that a word?) of information about a big reunion this year planned at Quartzsite. The reunion is supposed to be for five days beginning on January 15 and for the classes of 2007 - 2011. I think it would be fun for a big group event if others from our group also attended. However, that's all the info I know and I can't seem to find anything else out there. :D


    Anyone else know anything? :huh:

  6. Nice looking ride Jeri, now you'll have to go shopping for a whole new ensemble to match the new color scheme. Ha Ha!! :lol: Steve

    HAHA .. You are so right! My helmet is red. I tried to get my son-in-law to overnight me his lime green helmet but he won't do it. Guess I'm going to have to look for the green one here. Darn!


    When you coming down! We miss you!!!! I've already lined up tennis partners for Carol. :rolleyes:

  7. .......... i am hoping to have an Ipad II shipped to me tomorrow, complete with its own data plan.....Merry early Christmas to me!



    I certainly understand gift giving early. I got an early birthday present today too. I figure if the kids can throw a party for me a month early, Terry can buy me a present a month early (or did I buy it for myself?). Anyway, Happy early Birthday to me!!!



  8. Watch out Arizona and California here I come.

    Oh, oh.... maybe I should put out flyers to warn the cowgirls you're coming!!


    We met A LOT of people tonight at the park's clubhouse. I think we're going to like it here just fine!! I just wish it would cool down a bit. We've met several who are here for the first time. I think that's always nice too. We also talked to the fella who organizes quad rides. Before we replace that one we sold, I wanted to be sure we got the right one this time.


    Steve --- tell Carol they organize tennis matches here several times a week.


    Yep .. things are really good for now. :D

  9. Joe -- The Salem Elks was on our "maybe stop" list. The write-up on it was great but we just went right on by. We do that way too much.


    Steve -- It was a stress crack we're sure because it cracked at the top when a bump in the road set everything else jumping.


    IYQ & Sailbad --Since you won't even be leaving New Mexico for a few days, you'll be coming through the Phoenix area when we're already there. We'll be flying through "Q" on Sunday. I don't think you'll be there then ... will you? Let us know when you get close.


    I was sure glad to get Tehachapi behind us today. I WAS SURE GLAD!! I thought we'd never stop going up and besides that was just after we got a "vapor lock" (we think) going up hill on a curve out of Bakersfield and everything died on me! Not fun!! Not fun at all.


    For now I'm really pooped. The 170 miles turned into 306 and over an hour was sitting still on Hwy 58 waiting for the flaggers to flag us through.

  10. Dang, a whole 170 miles??????? :blink: Sorry to hear about the windshield, are you gonna try to get it fixed in Bakersfield or when you get to Phoenix?



    Well, I just looked at the map ... we just might go a little farther(Barstow?), perhaps. We'll get it fixed in Phoenix. Terry wants to get to Phoenix. His folks are having some health issues so the pressure is on again for him to get there to help his mother. :mellow:

  11. Well so much for sneaking up on Steve and Carol. I no more than parked to unhook and there was Steve. I got the rig parked and went over to their place and caught Carol cleaning for company. :P Had a GREAT time visiting, then they put on a big ole Spaghetti Feed MMMMMMMMMMMMM. We about half expected to hear IYQ knock on the door for that. :lol: Gonna have a hard day on the road today.........moving approx 70 miles. :blink:



    We have a short travel today too. It's only 170 miles. We had to have one in there someplace or have a really, really long day. We decided today would be it especially since we wanted to wait until the winds calmed down around Needles. So, this afternoon we'll pull into the Orange Grove RV park in Bakersfield. We now have a windshield to replace in the motorhome. It cracked at the top. Fun. Fun. :D

  12. Nothing worked as planned. We didn't stop where I programmed the GPS for us to stop so by the time we flew by our intended destination, I had no idea where we were heading. We just knew California here we come as we left Washington and Oregon behind. That's my report. Now I have to figure out what our destination is going to be for tomorrow. Not that we'll stick with it but just so we have a plan we can erase. :D

  13. Later we met Terry and Jeri for drinks at the Elks club. They are getting ready to head out in the morning, so we hope they have a great trip heading south. studio.




    Well, we've been sitting here next to Carol and Steve for 12 days!! Has it really been 12? Our tanks aren't quite overflowing but they are certainly close!! :D We've really enjoyed their company and will miss them. However, we know we'll connect again in Arizona. Not so sure what time we'll get out of here. The fog seems to have rolled in and it's pretty thick out there! We thought we better run before Spiker arrives. Rumor has it he may just be this way tomorrow!


    ............ on the road again!

  14. I'm getting hitch itch and should be heading west next week at this time.

    Well, next week at this time we plan on eating with Jim and Sandie at Panda Express in Apache Junction!! I know she's not going to fix us dinner like Toni did so we'll have to settle for going to HER favorite place. :D:lol:



    Get to feelin better, Lee!

  15. Jeri, So many toys. So little room. You need to go HDT in the form of an auto transport. :lol:


    I just checked the weather for the next 10 days. I'd better get busy. I've got 3 or 4 days and then it's gonna start getting cold. I want this place shut down and be wandering toward Quartzsite by the 1st of November.


    You're SO funny! Well, we're heading into Quartzsite from the west and you're heading into Quartzite from the east. I hope we don't collide! We just might be there about the same time. Or, maybe we won't? You know how well we stick to our plans. Sandie's on my case to hurry up and get to Apache Junction. I can tell already what this winter is going to be like!! :lol:

  16. Jeri, what the heck it's only $$$$ :-) :-)

    So today it's off to visit Wine Country.




    You don't know what $$$$ is? Is that stuff you use instead of plastic. Don't you have a tree in your backyard that grows them?


    Now what Wine Country are you off to? I hope we don't have to have OUR spies watch out for you in this direction as you sail by?


    Hey! They make trailers that stack them. What? You haven't looked at those yet? Why not?



    I guess we didn't look at them because you hadn't suggested we look at them yet. Now why didn't we think of that first?? :lol: We could have put one on top of the other!! However, trailer dilemma over. We bought another one.


    We also pulled Steve out of hiding and drug him all over the countryside. Carol put us in charge of him while she went off to play tennis. Steve was put to work cleaning and testing trailers and quads. Then, he even came back for more. It was a great day and a lot was accomplished. I really like days like that.


    It looks like we might actually start heading south next week!! :rolleyes:

  17. Ha Ha Ha "get this thing behind us" . How appropriate!

    Never thought of it that way but it certainly is approriate!! hahaha :D




    jeri and terry.. to solve your problem, its quite simple, trade for a chevy or gmc half ton truck, put an atv flat bed on it.. both atv will fit on the flat bed,, problem solved.. no trailer to mess with. or do like we did, towing a 20 ft flat bed car goes on it, atv goes on it. problem solved


    mike and deb



    Hmmm... I wonder how big we would have to get to put our vehicle, two quads and our boat on it. I don't think a 20' flat bed would be big enough but maybe if we stacked them on top of each other just maybe!! :D

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