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Posts posted by Wanderin

  1. Good idea Jeri, we are bearing down on Bill & Jan, and were going to see if we could find them on our way through. We're here in Brookings at the elks for a couple of days, then we are going to head for eureka or somewhere in that vicinity.


    Joe, did you get the doghouse fixed allright? You gotta "watch the hammer" until she heals up good. :rolleyes:

    Hate to tell you this, Steve, but Bill and Jan aren't there. That's the issue with the map if it's not kept up.


    A beautiful day in Quartzsite!!

  2. Burn your own meat sounds intersting. Ft. Worth used to have a restaurant called, We R Cooks. We loved going there because we could burn our own meat too.


    I'm feeling your pain, IYQ, but don't know how to help!! Maybe you need to get those cowgirls to kiss it for you and see if that works.


    Our class map has a few folks on it who are either still up north or not using the map. In order to stay current and have Dave clean it up some more, does anyone have input on the following folks?


    Bill and Jan -- showing Eureka, CA 07/2011

    Carlson -- Elko, Nv 04/2011

    Jim 2 -- showing South Fork, Co 04/2011

    SloMozey -- showing Stryker, OH 07/2011

    John and Cheryl -- showing Deer Valley, AZ 12/2010

  3. I'm attaching some money for all of you with your hands out. Take what you want. I have plenty more. :rolleyes: Sorry Joe, this is as real as it's going to get.


    Well, we visited Grandma's for the Blue Flame heaters, back to RV Lifestyles, back to Grandma's where we purchased. The blue flame looks like a fireplace!! The low setting even heats more than our electric heater! We love it.


  4. ok jerry send me the cash !!



    we will see you in Q


    Don't have your address so guess I'll just have to keep the $$. Can't do much with Monopoly money here. They won't take it. :D


    Let us know when you head this way since we're already in Q .... if you're after money, we'll have to hide. I guess that's not too hard. All we have to do is find Sailbad again. He really is hiding but now we know where his hideout is.

  5. Jeri, Grandma's has the 10k or 20k units. I have the 10k and it works well in my 5er.

    Two things: I think he is buying 2nds by the truck load. There is nothing really wrong with them. Also he guarantees the units for a year and he really stands behind his units.

    I had a problem this year with one I bought last year. It was at least a year old and he replaced it immediately, no questions asked. I couldn't ask for a more fair deal.

    Grandmaw's is in the north end of the Pit Stop's parking lot.

    I guess that means their price should be a lot lower than the other place. Thanks!! We'll head out that way tomorrow. I'm always amazed by the knowledge this group has!!


    When we gonna do "FOOD" again. If you haven't tried the new Q-Town Cafe, they have great ribs! We've discovered a couple restaurants are no longer in business including Best Mexican and Janet's Kitchen. However, there are a few new ones too.

  6. Jeri, I use Blue Flame and wouldn't have anything else.



    Thanks! We wanted the one with the temperature control. We were looking at the 10K because of the size of the unit. One fella told us to get the ones that heat the bricks but those are hot to the touch .... very hot. We'll compare the size tomorrow when we go back. Since we're moving to LTVA La Posa after the first, we thought it might be better to run that than our furnace. Once we get it installed, I'm sure we'll have a heat wave and will no longer need it. It's kind of like taking an umbrella with you. It never rains. Thanks for the input.



    Jere....if you are still in Q check out Grandma's Heaters north of town by the place you get propane




    Thanks! Terry put in the connectors today because we weren't sure which one we wanted. Terry said to tell you he was retired. That's his way of saying he's not getting up 30 minutes before me to turn on the heater ....... I'm the earlier bird. We'll check out Grandma's tomorrow. We didn't know we had an option of where to buy it in "Q". Thanks again.

  7. do you beleive every thing a saleman tells you ?? if so i have some land for you cheap, waterfront baeutifull place set up for rv,s , lots of park amenities for free use, on a military instalation (but they said i could sell it) best part you dont even need a deed .. WOW what more could you ask for.


    so contact me if interested,, you just send cash ...




    ps comes with free propane heat

    Wow! You really are a salesman. I'll take two waterfront lots. Once I count my Monopoly money I'll send it to you. :rolleyes:

  8. Anyone have a Blue Flame heater in their RV or suggestions? We thought we might add one since using the furnace burns propane at a much faster rate. Or, at least we think it burns at a much faster rate. That's what the salesperson told us at least. We also looked at the Big Buddy and Komfort World but they get hot on the outside ... or, so the salesperson told us.

  9. We had a stiff breeze today and it was coming right off that White stuff Fuffy is talking about. I've been working on a cabinet door one of our gals sort of mangled as she was trying to fix it. I've got it back in shape now and will re-install it in the morning. Other than that I haven't done much today. It's just not that comfortable outside.


    I know what you mean about it not being that comfortable outside. I'm thinking I need a warm beach someplace and I need it NOW. :rolleyes: Just because there's a Yacht Club here in "Q" doesn't mean there's a warm beach.

  10. It seems that hitch itch got to me the other day and before I knew what had happened I found myself sitting in Radio City Music Hall. Their Christmas program was GREAT. Then we took a short walk to Times Square and finished off the evening with dinner at "The View", a rotating restaurant I the Times Square Marriott.


    Then yesterday found me in Oyster Bay doing a tour on Teddy Rosevelt's place. Not sure what adventure in on the horizon for today, but the weather is a bit on the cool side.


    Good for you. I think hitch itch gets to all of us at times. :D

  11. Oh the thrill of fulltiming! A couple of days ago I took the rig and dumped the tanks. Brought it back to my spot and set it up again. While extending the slide I heard a funny popping sound. It turns out the bracket that holds the ram on the bottom of the slide frame tore loose. Fortunately the slide is out. But I cannot move the trailer until it's repaired. There is NO mobile welding unit in Quartzsite. I had to call Blythe and make an appointment to have them come out and repair next week.

    As an added thrill, I was looking at my Blue Flame heater last night and noticed it had 2 pilot lights burning. That seemed to be one more that it needed so I decided to give it a closer look. It turns out a seal on the side of the gas valve had began to leek and ignited. This allowed a small flame to erupt on top of the valve directly beside the incoming gas line. It certainly didn't take me long to disconnect that sucker.

    So it was off to the heater store this morning to get a new heater. While there, I told the fellow about the heater failure. He says to bring it in and he will replace it. Ya can't beat that! I wanted a second one for my "K-LINES Casita" anyway.


    Now, there is supposed to be a major storm coming tomorrow. High winds and all that stuff.

    So if you are not in Quartzsite, you might want to wait a few days.


    Lee, you don't need wrist braces. You need hand cuffs! They will help you stay out of that ladies drawers! :lol:


    Sorry to hear about your slide AND heater. I guess when bad luck hits, it hits! Thanks for the heads up on the storm. We were actually heading to "Q" tomorrow. Now I think we'll put it off until Friday-ish. Terry's in South Dakota today otherwise I'd want to hightail it down there before the storm hit. However, no such luck! We'll just stick around Scottsdale for a little bit longer. :D

  12. I haven't been able to get on the internet for the past few days and I don't have much of a connection now so I'll make this short and hope I can get it posted. It's looking a little better for me to be in Q on the 15th but still too early to make plans. I don't know what to do about that sign up deal. I guess I'll just play it by ear. Bye and don't be surprised when you don't hear from me. This signal is crazy I get 3 bars and the remote computer will not respond. I get one bar and sometimes I get on anyway. Then I type a post and it disconnects instead of posting. Oh Well. See YA Happy Thanksgiving


    That sounds great! We were certainly hoping you'd be able to make it.

  13. Thanks, Dave & Wanderin -- hey, I think we met you (Wanderin) back in Mesa last spring, dinner organized with Jim & Sandie, Eric & Carla, Soos (one of ya').


    We'll be there, BUT VERY LATE; we still do committee work for an event in N. Calif, the w/e of 3rd Sat (that's 18-23 in 2012); so, we'll look around for folks once we arrive -- too late for the big party... but not too late for the Big Tent show.





    Yes. We did meet! We'll see you in "Q" sometime!

  14. It rained here last night, or was that some of those DUCKS crying as the flew over. The day was uneventful but this evening one of the Cowgirls that I took out to dinner last week invited me to her place for dinner tonight. I enjoyed the evening but I think I'll stick to taking them OUT to dinner. It goes much smoother. When I came back home I took a Steve so now I'll probably sit up half the night. I hope it wasn't one of those Yellow or Green 4 wheelers that was following us up the hill we didn't quite make and slid back down backwards. The hill wasn't very high but it was about a 60 degree slope. We hit the hill right out of a 90 degree turn out of a narrow wash and didn't have enough momentum to get over the top. There is now an inprint of a jeep's spare tire in the bank of the wash. We ended up having to find another way out of the wash which has banks on both sides about 10 feet high. I'm sure glad I wasn't in my truck with the longer rear overhang. That wash was so narrow I don't think I could have made some of the turns. When I was up in Pie Town I was checking out some of the back roads and came out of one onto a maintained road. There was a drop off between the two roads and I bent the step on the back of my truck. When I started to hook up my trialer to leave I couldn't get the hitch past the step so I had to drive 27 miles to the little town of Quemado to find someone with a sledge to bang the step out of the receivers. I got it straitened and back in but I had to beat it back in. So If I bend it again I won't be able to hook up the trailer again,


    You need one of those orange or red flags on the back of your truck. That way you can be seen when you decide to drive down a wash with canyon high sides.

  15. So here I am, parked in the pucker brush, when I find this couple lost in the desert.

    I guided them back to the hiway and they rewarded me with a fine lunch.

    Jeri, Terry and I had a nice chat and I will look forward to seeing them again soon.


    Have you noticed, every time someone comes to visit, it cost them a meal?

    Now if I can keep the rest of you spaced out right, I should be well fed all winter!


    We certainly did wander around looking for you. You are parked in the Outback of the BLM. It was a wonderful lunch and great to see you again. Maybe you need to create your own calendar and pencil in what day you assign everyone. That way they'll know when to show up and take you to lunch.


    We picked up a water bladder like yours at the little consignment store in town and got some keys made. At least we have it whether or not we go to the BLM for December or wait until January. We discovered an ATV club at one of the parks there so that's pulling at us for December. We don't know. Decisions, decisions, decisions. You know that's my strong point. :)


    It was well after dark when we got back on the other side of Phoenix!

  16. Current plan is for us to arrive on the 15th. Might only be there for the one night though.



    I know. Roughing it is difficult. However, if you bring a long extension cord, we'll plug you into Steve's rig. If you have a long sewer hose, we'll see that we connect that to Freddy's tank. What other excuse do you have? :lol: :lol: :lol:



    I hope ya'll haven't counted me out yet! I've been holding out.....because we're trying to sell the big rig. I am most definitely planning on coming up to Q to see ya'll but right now planning on driving up from Yuma for a day or two. It's not that far and a really pretty drive. I want to come up when most of ya are there. Granted it's not as close as Yuma BLM but that's ok. Danny KayCee and I are looking forward to seeing everybody!


    Don't forget to post on "Class Gathering at Q" forum so your name gets on the list. :)



    Hey Dave (as in Sailbad) -- I need Millie's email. I want to respond to a post she left on my blog. :D


    My hip did well today but my wrist are really scawling. I guess I'll have to give up carving and go back to chasing Cowgirls.




    You were always good at chasing cowgirls!! It's nice to have something to fall back on. Isn't it? :rolleyes:


    I thought Millie and I would show up about Nov.01. :P

    Don't drive too fast. You don't want to get there before the rush.


    We're thinking we just might show up about the 29th. Maybe, we'll beat you. :rolleyes:

  18. You know how much I like to keep a calendar up to date. I know the rest of you feel about the same. So, I thought I'd throw a real tough question at those who plan on being in "Q" in January. I know the real reunion isn't until the 15th but knowing this group most will be there way before that so what is the question? Well, when do you plan on getting there? I need to mark it in ink along with our schedule on the calendar. :rolleyes:

  19. Hi Jeri & Terri ,


    Nice ride Jerri , I just got one a couple of weeks ago. I am in Mesa AZ. for the winter. I am at View Point RV & golf resort. I spent this past summer on a 40' boat cruising around the San Juan Islands, it was great. I have never spent that much time on the water before. If you guys are anywhere near Mesa you gotta stop buy and we could go Quading in the desert. I go out with two different groups of people and they know all the good trails to go to. Well that's all I have going on hope everything is well with everyone.

    We're currently in Gold Canyon right now. Not sure how long we'll be here but we've been riding in the desert most days. Probably half the folks in this park have quads and instead of loading up and transporting the quads, the back gate opens to BLM land and ATV trails. Where do you go around here? What do you have?

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