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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. Wow, Lee. You made me glad we have so little stuff to have to move and clean. We do have an awful lot of floor, though. Linda Sand
  2. "no chemo/radiation" is the best news yet. He'll get well much faster without that hassle. But you need to sleep as much as you can this weekend because you'll be busy taking care of him again when he comes home. Linda Sand
  3. You are now in the Bible Belt. Not many grocery stores are going to sell your flavor of cranberry juice. Linda Sand
  4. We'll miss your posts but free FHUs are GOOD! Linda Sand
  5. You already know how happy I am for you. Maybe I should read this forum before reading blogs since it seems I've often already answered what gets posted here. Linda Sand
  6. Notice she didn't say the roll she'd send would be 100s. Or even money; might be a dinner roll. Linda Sand
  7. Always interesting to sell something you hadn't yet decided you were going to sell. Linda Sand
  8. Eat some for me, please, I've been craving Panda Express for about two weeks now. Linda Sand
  9. Storms and tornado warnings all around us last night but we slept just fine in our apartment so there are some advantages of being here. Linda Sand
  10. Google Maps found it by entering "Stanton Crossing, ID". It says yes west on US 20 towards Magic Reservoir but on a river before you get to the reservoir. Thanks, Toni, this place is now on my data sheet for Idaho. Linda Sand
  11. Here's a trick I learned about stashing stuff. Instead of asking, "Where should I put this?" ask "Where would I look for this?" It's a different mindset but it seems to work. I had friends and family say they loved the kitchen in our house because they always found things where they looked for them. Linda Sand
  12. My new van has been officially ordered with a mid-July due date. Then several weeks for the conversion. THEN!!! Linda Sand
  13. "how quickly can we do this? 5.4 days seems to be the answer" :D
  14. No damage to the RV I hope? I can tell no damage to you, other than financial, because you would have mentioned that. Linda Sand
  15. I feel your pain. We were in a square one time that was so bad I was glad when Dave's pager went off. But, we had a lot of fun evenings dancing, too. Maybe as I continue to lose weight and gain strength I'll get healthy enough to start dancing again. There are lots of clubs around here but they don't dance in the summer when I'll be here. Linda Sand
  16. We had storm warnings this evening. I saw the lightening but didn't care because I am sitting inside a huge apartment building. No rocking and rolling in this rig. Linda Sand
  17. It got so warm here in Minneapolis today we have our windows open! Do you know how many months it has been since we've wanted to open our windows?! To add to that it is now almost 8 pm and we STILL have our windows open. By golly, I think I survived another Minnesota winter! Linda Sand
  18. When I get one of those automated systems I usually start by pushing zero. Most of the time that will take you directly to a live person. So much faster. Linda Sand
  19. The windstorm reached us today. This was a day to appreciate being in an apartment with nowhere we had to go. That meant we could enjoy looking out our patio door and seeing the white-coated limbs on the trees dancing in the wind. Being here is not all bad. Linda
  20. Just to help you all keep some perspective, we got temperatures in the mid 50s today and everyone is celebrating. We ran errands until we had to come home for our grocery delivery. Would have been willing to do our own grocery shopping this week if we'd known how nice this ONE day would be. Linda Sand
  21. Do you always cancel in time for us drop-ins to not be turned away from spots that will sit empty? So many people don't, which I find very frustrating. But, we have been the beneficiaries of last minute cancellations so I appreciate that. Linda
  22. I liked not having to decide until it was actually time to stop. FREEDOM! Linda
  23. PPL finally sold our RV!!! We haven't seen any money yet but they called to report it sold instead of pending this morning and our listing disappeared. Doing the happy dance for my exercise today. Linda Sand
  24. Happy birthday, Paul! Isn't it amazing how those just keep coming around every year or so? All our tires are "Sand" tires. Linda
  25. So she can convert lights for the rest of us? Linda
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