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Posts posted by hemsteadc

  1. Maybe this  is easier to read: quote Mr Camper:

    Many years ago I was heading from Topeka to Florida and looked for a place to tent camp for the night.  Just north of Nashville I stopped for fuel and asked if the guy knew someplace I could stop for the night, and not a big campground.  He told me about a guy with some acres who would accommodate me.  He provided directions and when I met the guy he offered me the use of his field and I was welcome to fish in his well-stocked pond.  He wanted two good catfish.  I caught four and gave him two and I had a quiet and peaceful night.  I made a couple of extra stops in Georgia to see families of USAF buddies and while they offered me a room with a bed, I declined and they suggested a couple of places, one near Macon and the other just before the Florida line, near Valdosta.   For the next few years I tent camped that way.  Stopping and asking worked for me.  A spot for the night was free with no strings.  Only one other person asked for a favor.  Once I set up I ran into town and picked up some supplies for them and that was it.  Best way to see the USA.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Campfor4 said:

    Great idea!  Any suggestions on panel manufacturer or specifications?

    At least 300 watts to start. Panels are available on line or in solar stores.  Avoid the "kits".  Roof mounting is best.  2000w inverter for coffee maker, microwave if you have the battery power.  At 4 GC batteries work for most people. Lithiums are real nice if you have the bucks.

  3. 11 hours ago, packnrat said:

    most normal lead acid will last up to six or more years. of heavy usage. and not abused. and you can buy two ( more) sets of them to just one of lipo. sure they have a weight penalty. but only have to touch once every so many years.


    Mine never lasted more than 4 years without losing capacity. I never particularly enjoying changing out those big heavy monsters, adding water to them,  keeping them charged, equalizing,  draining them below 50% or worrying my battery tray would collapse. 

    I'll be brutally honest here.  I have more money than I'll ever need. I like new technology, things that make my life easier, and not having to maintain acid batteries is one of them.  I also recently bought a 3200w Outback inverter, the best on the market.  I like good stuff that lasts a long time.

    My hobby doesn't require me to worry about money.  I like it that way.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Imurphy907 said:

    average block heater cost about a quarter an hour to operate at our power rates($0.18/Kwh).

    I guess those folks in the CG who insist on idling their trucks for 20 minutes before driving have never heard of  a block heater.

  5. On 12/5/2019 at 4:29 AM, ARGO said:

    2 In cold climates, NEVER open both cab doors at the same time.............

    Not sure I understand that one.

  6. I'm still holding these, CBDS CGC CRON, but not a lot invested these days.  I did pretty well over the last 2 years, but lately taking a haircut.

    When I owned TLRY I was online one day watching it spike to over $200..and then it was halted.. 3 or 4 times. I sold it a day or so later, but, that would have been a nice profit.


    Old technology batteries are heavy.

    6 hours ago, Al F said:

    I have been extensively using my 130 pound, 400AH lithium battery pack for what will be 4 years in the spring of 2020. 

    Yes they are expensive initially, but the freedom to not needing electric hookups is priceless.  

    I have the same thing @48v.  135lb.  Easily lifted by 2 guys.  No corrosion, no watering, not needing full charge, no  equalization, no absorb, will outlast me... priceless.

  8. I never used the additive.  I did, however, manage to forget the plastic bottle was directly under my truck tire.  What a mess.  Sprayed that stuff all over the undercarriage and lots on the ground.  

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