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Starlink Wins in Legal Battle With Dish, Viasat Over Lower-Orbit Satellites


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A US appeals court upholds an FCC decision that permitted SpaceX to operate 2,814 Starlink satellites at lower orbits.

"A US appeals court has rejected lawsuits from Dish Network and Viasat that tried to reverse an FCC decision permitting SpaceX to operate Starlink satellites at lower orbits. 

At issue is the FCC’s decision last year to allow SpaceX to launch 2,814 Starlink satellites into 540- to 570-kilometer orbits, down from the original 1,110- to 1,300-kilometer operational range. 

The FCC made the decision despite objections from several rival satellite operators who argued that Starlink satellites could cause radio interference. In response, both Dish and Viasat filed lawsuits, demanding the US court system overturn the FCC’s decision.   

But on Friday, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the FCC’s original decision, and said the legal claims from both Dish and Viasat lacked merit or standing. Reuters was first to report(Opens in a new window) the news. "

Details here:




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