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RV Virtual Extravaganza & ARRL Convention

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RV Virtual Extravaganza & ARRL Convention

Just a few more days until our RV Virtual Extravaganza & ARRL Convention on Sept 24th & 25th. Two days of outstanding seminars and it is absolutely FREE!  A $300 gift certificate from DX Engineering will be given away on Saturday at the end of the event.  There will also be an additional gift certificate at the end of Friday's event as well as a gift certificate at the end of each session on both Friday and Saturday.

We are very happy that the ARRL has chosen our online event as a specialty Convention.  We will have a special session with ARRL Director Tom Abernethy, W3TOM.  Our club is proud to be a affiliated club of ARRL.

Be sure to see the schedule of events and register.  There is NO COST !!!!!!  The event is absolutely FREE to both members and non-members.  Click https://rvradionetwork.com/Extravaganza.php to register.

See you on the RV Virtual Extravaganza & ARRL Convention!

73, Tom - W3TOM

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