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Lippert Ground Control 2.0 repairs

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On my 2011 Open Range, the right rear jack failed to retract.  I fussed with the controls and tried to manually retract it.  The shaft would not turn.  4 bolts and 2 wire nuts later and it was in the bed of the truck and we got underway.  So, I removed the motor and it tests out.  The shaft will turn enough to wobble the gears back and forth, but nothing turns.  It’s a $342 + shipping part with a 5 day lead time.  I’d like to get it apart to see what the failure mode was.  Anyone ever disassemble one of these?

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The Lippert Ground Control 2 has been the bane of my existence over the last 6 years. It sounds like your gear mechanism broke. That can be fixed with the repair kit. They keep getting more expensive. I think this is the part. Look a little more on etrailer or Lippert site to make sure. Stromberg and Venture make the same part and it is sometimes cheaper. Etrailer has instructions. Basically you pop the top off and the repair is done by replacing the gear components. Usually if you open it up you can see the problem. Often the drive shaft breaks or the protective drive pins snap and get caught in the gears jamming the whole thing. I have the largest Arctic Fox fifth wheel and I think it is just to big a unit for the legs. Unfortunately I have taken about 5 of these apart always at the most inconvenient time I need to make the repair. I carrythese kits now.  Here Is a etrailer and a cheaper amazon one. https://www.amazon.com/Lippert-146059-Venture-Landing-Repair/dp/B00S2IBEHU/ref=asc_df_B00S2IBEHU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312111914138&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9710566557088090167&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017654&hvtargid=pla-491212453580&psc=1

https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Lippert/LC146059.html?feed=npn&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google | Smart Shopping - Accessories and Parts - Zombie SKUs&adgroupid=78449019583&campaignid=6895757453&creative=389708278730&device=c&devicemodel=&feeditemid=&keyword=&loc_interest_ms=&loc_physical_ms=9017654&matchtype=&network=u&placement=&position=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0emHBhC1ARIsAL1QGNeK2ZA0T1nJ8yGtimBkEj3EGJvwDGtuMx5rpgs_PzWOmsvpELm5k0QaAjJbEALw_wcB

Dave and Lana Hasper

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the tip.  I’ve used etrailer before, but had no idea the depth of their parts assortment.  The gears, shafts, etc are in the mail.  I got home to my work bench on Saturday and got the jack on the bench to tear it apart.  The gears are locked, with hardly any wiggle.  The roll pin is 90 degrees from being accessible.  There is no way that I see to remove the horizontal shaft with the gear pinned to it.  I’m assuming that shaft needs to come out to remove the rest of the mechanism.  Any thoughts on this dilemma?


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