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RVing Baja California is a very exciting experience, but can you take a large RV to Baja? In this video, we break down the pros and cons of a large RV vs a smaller truck camper and driving to Baja California.
After almost one month in Baja California, we are back. We had a great time in our truck camper boondocking on beautiful beaches. The whole trip we were thinking to ourselves, Would we take our 5th wheel to Baja? When we headed south to the U.S. border in a borrowed truck camper this kept going through our minds. With our experience, this video should help you make the right choice if you are planning on heading south to Baja Mexico.


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The Vlog! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaOenbHprUoPv6PaYpjQU2w?view_as=subscriber


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